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[STEAM][0.12.26] Crash on autosave, and load game

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:27 am
by scytrin
I'm not sure what is triggering it, but it keeps reoccurring on this map.
After reaching a certain point in the game, usually when the train is running, the game will autosave and then crash to desktop.
I try loading that save or the previous save, a similar? crash-on-load occurs.

Attached are logs and the save game. Let me know if there's anything else you need!

Re: [STEAM][0.12.26] Crash on autosave, and load game

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:09 am
by daniel34
There was a bug in 0.12.25 making saves for New Hope 2 (the train level) unplayable which was fixed for 0.12.26, but you need to restart that level on 0.12.26 for it to work.
FactorioBot in Version 0.12.26 wrote: Bugfixes
  • Fixed the corrupted level 2 of the New hope campaign, that was producing corrupted saves. If you are already playing this level, you have to start it over, I'm sorry for the trouble.

Re: [STEAM][0.12.26] Crash on autosave, and load game

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:23 am
by Koub
Well Daniel, I didn't give that answer because :

Code: Select all

  26.166 Info Scenario.cpp:124: Map version 0.12.26-0
The map was created with 0.12.26 ... And I still have been unable to understand how to use properly the real debug info below in the log :mrgreen: .

Re: [STEAM][0.12.26] Crash on autosave, and load game

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:56 am
by daniel34
Koub wrote:Well Daniel, I didn't give that answer because :

Code: Select all

  26.166 Info Scenario.cpp:124: Map version 0.12.26-0
The map was created with 0.12.26 ... And I still have been unable to understand how to use properly the real debug info below in the log :mrgreen: .
I'm pretty sure it's this one as the stacktrace matches with the other cases:
I usually look for particular lines in the stacktrace that stand out in these cases and are not in other stacktraces. The train ones in this example, or (gameoverlayrenderer64): (filename not available): OverlayHookD3D3 for the MSI Afterburner problem. It's probably easier for a programmer who is used to read stack traces :).

Map version 0.12.26 doesn't indicate that it was created in that version, only that it was last saved in that version.

Re: [STEAM][0.12.26] Crash on autosave, and load game

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:06 am
by posila
It could happen to somebody - to be able to load corrupted save, but the game state is still corrupted, so it will produce corrupted saves again.

@scytrin: You have to start the level from the beginning, as daniel said. I am sorry :(
Duplicate: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=20865