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Adjusting multiplayer latency

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:57 pm
by roy7
I've been playing on one of the public servers quite a bit, and sometimes we might have a small group with fast connections and the game is going well, but someone will join with a much inferior connection to server which will start causing a lot of lag and choppiness. It'd be nice in those situations if we could adjust the latency to something higher, vs being locked in to the setting the server started with. Even better would be if the server could change the latency setting now and then based on actual connection quality.

So my two suggestions are:

Short term - a console command to change latency setting. Everyone would pause for a moment like a map download, and then resume with the latency setting at the new figure.

Long term - adjust the latency settings based on observed performance of current connections. So if someone with a slower connection joins and F5 is showing lots of delays, the latency will gradually increase as needed to reduce those delays.


Re: Adjusting multiplayer latency

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 8:11 pm
by ssilk
It is planned, that the latency is calculated, more or less as you described. Eventually for 0.13.