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Extremely slow on Alpha download, fast demo

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:35 pm
by sjwt
Hey, it seems I am unable to use a download manager for the Alpha download, the demo version works fine and downloads in a few mins at over 150K.. the Alpha version will not transfer the file across and instead links to

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><title>Noir</title><link href="/css/reset.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><link href="/css/noir.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></head><body><div id="not-found"><h1>We seem to have lost that one.</h1><p>Since we couldn't find the page you were looking for, check to make sure the address is correct.</p></div></body></html>

Leaving me with about a 1-2 hour download.

Any suggestions??

Re: Extremely slow on Alpha download, fast demo

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:44 pm
by sjwt
Never mind, it seems to be some issue with amazon s3 giving me a whopping 5-10k. guess ill just have to ride it out.

Re: Extremely slow on Alpha download, fast demo

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 9:10 pm
by BurnHard
I just tried downloading the 32 bit and 64 bit exes and zips without any special download manager (just with firefox) and I could load all versions with full speed.

Re: Extremely slow on Alpha download, fast demo

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 9:34 pm
by TGS
You aren't the only one that has had that problem. I stopped updating on the minor releases as I haven't really been encountering the massive problems other people have considering the last time I downloaded one of the minor updates for the 0.8.x series it took an hour and a half to download.

Re: Extremely slow on Alpha download, fast demo

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:09 pm
by slpwnd
The alfa is hosted on the s3. Yes, some people reported it is quite slow. All in all we are not too hyped about s3 and we consider moving elsewhere. There is one feature that we really need though and that is the creation of temporary link.

There are two options:

1) Use some standard storage service (i.e. FTP) where the data are private but there would be a little application sitting on top of it giving out the temporary links.
2) Use an existing service of a similar kind like s3. Suggestions anyone?

Re: Extremely slow on Alpha download, fast demo

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 10:21 pm
by BurnHard
Just as an alternative Mirror, if S3 doesn't work:

have you tried the microsoft-cloud-storage? ... s/storage/

1.) Would an official torrent be an alternative where you seed yourself with an magnet link (I think that you don't need any tracker then? Or the torrent file with a distributed hash table (DHT)? I am not really into that topic) To play the game, you still have to login once ingame with the account after the purchase, am I correct?
2.) Store on your own webspace where you host your website, forum?

3.) Some One-click-hoster like zippyshare ore one of the others, some of them are really easy to use for the downloader, without captchas or useraccount to create. (Don't know the legal status when u don't use it private)
4.) Save in Googledrive, share link (ask google for commercial use, don't know if they have any limit, maybe you generate too much traffic)Question of legal issues with rights of saved files.

Re: Extremely slow on Alpha download, fast demo

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 1:57 am
by Drizzt321
I'm still getting this, on Verizon FiOS in LA. However, I performed a work-around which is to download it via my VPS (located in Texas) using my cookies, then downloading it to my home computer from there. Quite a PITA, but got it down from hours to minutes.

Re: Extremely slow on Alpha download, fast demo

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 11:16 am
by slpwnd
We are considering to build our own solution. Basically rent a server in US and Europe for fixed price with fixed bandwith to cope with most of the downloads. Use s3 as a fallback when there is some peak.

Re: Extremely slow on Alpha download, fast demo

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 12:02 am
by Drizzt321
slpwnd wrote:We are considering to build our own solution. Basically rent a server in US and Europe for fixed price with fixed bandwith to cope with most of the downloads. Use s3 as a fallback when there is some peak.
Linode has been good to me, 3TB transfer on their lowest end VPS per month. In US, London, Tokyo. Although I don't know if there is more competitive pricing for simply hosting some files. Or maybe look at another CDN/file store such as Rackspace or another. Probably need to shop around to get the best deal.

Or, you know, get it on Steam or GOG and let them handle the bandwidth ;)

Re: Extremely slow on Alpha download, fast demo

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:08 pm
by slpwnd
Drizzt321 wrote:
slpwnd wrote:We are considering to build our own solution. Basically rent a server in US and Europe for fixed price with fixed bandwith to cope with most of the downloads. Use s3 as a fallback when there is some peak.
Linode has been good to me, 3TB transfer on their lowest end VPS per month. In US, London, Tokyo. Although I don't know if there is more competitive pricing for simply hosting some files. Or maybe look at another CDN/file store such as Rackspace or another. Probably need to shop around to get the best deal.

Or, you know, get it on Steam or GOG and let them handle the bandwidth ;)
Linode looks quite good ... Would be pricing upgrade compared to s3.

Re: Extremely slow on Alpha download, fast demo

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:30 pm
by Drizzt321
slpwnd wrote:
Drizzt321 wrote:
slpwnd wrote:We are considering to build our own solution. Basically rent a server in US and Europe for fixed price with fixed bandwith to cope with most of the downloads. Use s3 as a fallback when there is some peak.
Linode has been good to me, 3TB transfer on their lowest end VPS per month. In US, London, Tokyo. Although I don't know if there is more competitive pricing for simply hosting some files. Or maybe look at another CDN/file store such as Rackspace or another. Probably need to shop around to get the best deal.

Or, you know, get it on Steam or GOG and let them handle the bandwidth ;)
Linode looks quite good ... Would be pricing upgrade compared to s3.
There's quite a few providers out there, so it might pay to shop around. Maybe a dedicated CDN provider, or maybe just rent a few VPS servers. Heck, you could probably keep 1 instance up in each location, and then on a release pay the per hour rate and spin up a couple of extras to handle the additional release load before going back down to 1 instance.

Re: Extremely slow on Alpha download, fast demo

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 1:03 pm
by RubyCurry
slpwnd wrote: Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:08 pm
Drizzt321 wrote:
slpwnd wrote:We are considering to build our own solution. Basically rent a server in US and Europe for fixed price with fixed bandwith to cope with most of the downloads. Use s3 as a fallback when there is some peak.
Linode has been good to me, 3TB transfer on their lowest end VPS per month. In US, London, Tokyo. Although I don't know if there is more competitive pricing for simply hosting some files. Or maybe look at another CDN/file store such as Rackspace or another. Probably need to shop around to get the best deal.

Or, you know, get it on Steam or GOG and let them handle the bandwidth ;)
Linode looks quite good ... Would be pricing upgrade compared to s3.
Linode is working fine for me. I have been using managed linode server which is powered by Cloudways instead of the conventional linode server and it has really ease the job.