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[mod 0.12.20] Warfare

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 8:01 pm
by monty
Type: Mod
Name: Warfare
Description: This is a mod that expands/replaces the war aspect of the game
License: Public domain
Version: 0.0.1
Release: 15-02-2016
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.20
Category: Crafting
Tags: ammo
(863.42 KiB) Downloaded 261 times
Mod Basics
Mod details : The objective of this mod is to expand the choice of weapons, but it may seem confusing. Plz visit the summery before reading these segments for greater ease of understanding.
Basic setup
Ammo range


Side note


Re: [mod 0.12.20] Warfare

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 8:40 pm
by monty
If anyone has any remark or review , please share it.

I have made these mod to add upon other mods, and enhance the game play. But for some time, i will be discontinuing from the posts.
During this time please share your views.Anyone who finds anything that needs changing, please go ahead and do so.Also feel free to develop upon them.

They might have some issues ,due to the rush to share them(i had very small amount of time to make them), but they have all been tried, so they can be worked with.

I hope you all enjoy them.
See you again after a while.


Re: [mod 0.12.20] Warfare

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 8:42 pm
by monty
This would be best suited in work in progress. is fine here.

I initiated this mod to put it out till i launch the DYNAMIC TURRET MOD, but that cant be done now.

It has been patched .Enjoy it.

Next time i will compile/integrate both of them in the same mod.

Re: [mod 0.12.20] Warfare

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 9:22 pm
by Koub
[Koub] Moved to Work-In-Progress / Pre-Alpha Mods

Re: [mod 0.12.20] Warfare

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 11:56 pm
by monty

@Koub, you are fast, but maybe thats needed for your job.It can now function so maybe it can be removed from Pre-Alpha section.

Anyways, i have updated this mod. Its now stand alone and playable.I have edited and removed some parts that required dependence and have added all items graphics.(they all have unique graphics)(things with same graphics GENERALLY have same damage/within same range.)

I didnt change the entity, though i have named things and made a basic alphabet on assembly machines icons to help distinguish them from each other while producing.
When placed they all still look same though.The rest i will do later.

Have fun.Let me know what should be improved and what should be removed.
Feel free to edit something that you think needs tweaking.Next time it will be reintegrated into turret mod.


Re: [mod 0.12.20] Warfare

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:53 am
by Koub
[quote="monty"@Koub, you are fast[/quote]
Yeah that what she says all the time :mrgreen:

[Koub] Moved to General 'The Big Mess' Mods