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Digital Display, Yay!

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:13 am
by DaveMcW
This is a compact, expandable blueprint for displaying numbers.


Original post

Re: Digit Display Blueprint

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:10 pm
by Neotix
So far it's the best digit display on this forum I had seen.

Re: Digit Display Blueprint

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:18 am
by DaveMcW
Here is another design. It is 2 tiles shorter, and does not show leading zeroes.


But it is harder to expand, so here are custom blueprints for each size.
2 digits
3 digits
4 digits
5 digits
6 digits
7 digits
8 digits
9 digits

Re: Digit Display Blueprint

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:20 pm
by ARC190
Well, the design I've been using is one i came up with myself. I'ts basically an adaptation of those old 7-segment LED displays.

Code: Select all

It shows 5 digits without leading zeroes, but it is really big, like, the processing for every digit is about half a chunk high and is about six tiles wide.

Code: Select all

This is for just one digit. The lights are set to turn on if the signal that corresponds to their segment equals one. The main processing is in the deciders with the '=' sings. They basically give out a red signal if green is equal to their designated number. If one of the deciders with a '<' sign receive a red signal they stop putting out their output, which turns off their segment. If, however, the number exceeds certain boundaries, the whole thing turns off, which is by design. The arrhythmic combinators at the bottom of the upper blueprint is for extracting the wanted digit. It needs a green signal to show anything

Re: Digit Display Blueprint

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:28 pm
by XKnight
Another way to create digit display is to use alphabet instead of hardcoded complex combinators system.


This approach has several advantages:
+ compact digit cell (3 x combinators per cell)
+ each digit cell can be easily increased from 13 lamps per cell up to 170+ lamps per cell (number of different items in factorio)
+ alphabet is very flexible, and can be changed in any moment (even in runtime)
+ display can be transformed from 10-based number to 8-based or 16-based number or any-based (it is also possible to do in runtime)
+ display updates only in necessary cells (without blinking others)

and disadvantages:
- initial setup requires more resources
- bigger alphabet also requires more resources

The most profitable way to use this display is to show some complex information (strings or even pictures).

Your display uses 13 combinators per digit (13x), and this display - 18+3x.
So it become more compact after second digit (18 + 3 + 3 < 13 + 13)
some fun

Re: Digit Display Blueprint

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 3:46 pm
by y.petremann
XKnight wrote:Another way to create digit display is to use alphabet instead of hardcoded complex combinators system.


This approach has several advantages:
+ compact digit cell (3 x combinators per cell)
+ each digit cell can be easily increased from 13 lamps per cell up to 170+ lamps per cell (number of different items in factorio)
+ alphabet is very flexible, and can be changed in any moment (even in runtime)
+ display can be transformed from 10-based number to 8-based or 16-based number or any-based (it is also possible to do in runtime)
+ display updates only in necessary cells (without blinking others)

and disadvantages:
- initial setup requires more resources
- bigger alphabet also requires more resources

The most profitable way to use this display is to show some complex information (strings or even pictures).

Your display uses 13 combinators per digit (13x), and this display - 18+3x.
So it become more compact after second digit (18 + 3 + 3 < 13 + 13)
some fun
Can you post a bluprint of your system, with combinators, we can't see their configurations.

Re: Digit Display Blueprint

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 4:09 pm
by XKnight
Here it is. Maybe this is not the simplest setup, but idea remains the same.
UPDATE: I realised that it is a bad idea to share loops via blueprints. They almost always are broken.
UPDATE2: Previous problem is fixed.
How to use:
1) Place this blueprint without connecting to electricity network.
2) Connect electricity network.
3) Remove constant combinator (in picture).
4) Have fun.

Re: Digit Display Blueprint

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 6:59 pm
by y.petremann
XKnight wrote:Here it is. Maybe this is not the simplest setup, but idea remains the same.
UPDATE: I realised that it is a bad idea to share loops via blueprints. They almost always are broken.
UPDATE2: Previous problem is fixed.
How to use:
1) Place this blueprint without connecting to electricity network.
2) Connect electricity network.
3) Remove constant combinator (in picture).
4) Have fun.
I've done everything you said and it simply show the number each one fragment of a second each one by one, is there something missing ?

Re: Digit Display Blueprint

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:22 pm
by XKnight
Wow, it's my fault. I forgot to include this connection to blueprint:

Re: Digit Display Blueprint

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:52 pm
by y.petremann
XKnight wrote:Wow, it's my fault. I forgot to include this connection to blueprint:
Thanks a lot, the displaying part is really interesting, the charmap too, but I think that the "driver" should have some refinements, like having a circuit to detect changes on the number to only update the display at this moment. so problem with the loop would be minimized.

Re: Digit Display Blueprint

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 10:01 am
by DaveMcW
Thanks XKnight for the memory cell design!

Here is the optmized version. I reduced it to 16+3n while removing leading zeroes.


Re: Digit Display Blueprint

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:00 am
by XKnight
Very nice, although I don't like so compressed setup, because it is hard to understand. But for some reason i think it is not a final version of the digit display ;)

Re: Digit Display Blueprint

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 10:19 pm
by XKnight
Mooooaaaaar optimization!!!

@DaveMcW, now your turn :)


Digital Display, Yay!

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 8:33 pm
by Belgarion045
So, 1st off, it would be way easier if comparators could have multiple outputs instead of only one, but we are stuck with that for a moment, so i rolled with it :D
I will post another one, much smaller when the devs implements the multiple outputs things (edit: Dr.Walrus have a design that works just like that and is very compact, check his comment on this post for more)


so here is a new link to download the world, i'll change the other too ...
also, the world has change a little, here is the prototype i have in my world, he have 5 digits and, because i had no place to put more, little lamps that will lit up when the amount of things in the chest on the rail station is too much for the display to handle(the max he can show is 99 999, so when its 100 000, he will lit 1 light and 00 000)


Ok, so i wanted to build a digital display to show how many things i got in a box,because why the hell not, so i made this

Cool, huh? So right now its showing how much green circuit there is in the storage chest near the roboport, on the bottom left of the image. it goes to the bottom right arithmetic combinator, who just add up any signal going in his input and outputting the result in the F channel, and then a ton of things happen, so ill be explaining them clearly


there, one-number display, that will be easier to explain

the display


I wanted to make one with 13 points, but it was way too much, so i simplifie it to just have 7 segments of 3 lights each. its really simple, each of them have a number, and if the chanel of that number is equals to one, it lights on. all the lights are connected to the same red wire network who will be our final output network, as well as alternated network

the modulo combinator


In case you didnt know, modulo, also writen %, is an arithmetic operation who gets therest of a divion. for example, 14%5 = 4, because 14=5*2 +4. its very useful because you can easily get the last digit on a number by doing %10. And thats why i want it to be an operation available in the combinators, so the 4 combinators circuit can be compacted in 1.

so, on the circuit itself! the 1st one just take anything and output it as the A signal on the inputs of 2 and 4. the 2nd one divide A by 10 and outputs it as B the input of 3, the 3rd one multiply B by 10 and outputs the result as B on the input of 4, and the 4 one subtract B to A and outputs A, who become the inputs for the display

for example, you inputs 235 in the circuit, the 1st one outputs A=235, the 2nd one have A=235 as inputs and outputs B=23, the 3rd one inputs B=23 and outputs B=230, and the 4th one take A=235 and B=230 as inputs and outputs A=235-230 = 5, the number we want! hurray!

the display controller

Now here comes the complicated one. Because of technical limitation, i had to make a lil controller for each segment lighed up by every number possible. here is an example


So here is the controller for one number. each controller are linked with each other by the inputs of the number detector, and by the outputs of the segments controller. there is 10 lines of controllers for each display, one for each number from 0 to 9.
in this design, the 2 constant combinators are tottaly not obligatory, they are there just to make life easy.

so, this line is for the number 9. the constant combinator in the "number detector" part outputs a yellow signal of value 9, for obvious reasons. it outputs into the decider right next to it using the red wire controller, just to make the signal unique from other lines, decider which will outputs A=1 if A=yellow signal(in this case if A=9), then it outputs to every other decider on the line the same A value. the second constant combinator outputs 2 signal, who is the same for every line on any display controller: the green signal as 1, and the red signal as 2. in the next combinators you have to make seven deciders, one for every segment, who outputs their number signal as 1(for the 3rd segment, it will outputs the signal 3=1).the tests are simple: if you want a segment to be on, you test if A=green signal, and if you never want a signal to be on, you test A=red signal. because A is equals to 0 or 1, the test A=red will never be true, and the test with A=green will be true if the number you want to display is selected. Easy. As this line is for the number 9, all the deciders are set to the test A=green exept for the '4' one, who need to be set as A=red

So, to finish, wiring: the 4th combinator's output of the modulo module is connected to the input of one of the display controller, each display controller's inputs are linked with each other;in each line of the display controller, the outputs of the 1st decider is linked to every inputs of the other decider(in the segment controller) using the green wire network, and every decider in the segment controller will have his outputs linked to one red wire network, and each line of the display controller will be connected to the same red wire network, who is also linked to the display itself. and done :D

also, each number display are connected to each other before the modulo by a simple circuit: the raw inputs (the number you want to display) is directly linked to the display on the right and to a arithmetic combinator, who takes the signal, divide it by 10 and outputs the result in the next display and on another arithmetic combinator who does the same thing, up to the last digit

So, voila, if you have any question feel free to ask, here is a link to download the map where i build it(its on the top right corner) ...

See ya

Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:03 pm
by DoctorWho?
This is impressive. Now I need to figure out how to import blueprints so I can build way too many of these. And figure out how to make a 16-digit display. :P

EDIT: File link's broken.

Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 11:51 am
by Belgarion045
DoctorWho? wrote: File link's broken.
i hope it works now :D ...

Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 5:28 pm
by DoctorWho?
Yep. works now. I'm going to go see what happens when you overload the system now :P

Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:40 pm
by Dr. Walrus
Pretty cool dude! It's always nice to see other people's solutions to the same problem I'm trying to solve. I've been working on a digital display myself and I've managed to shrink down the controller down to just one decider combinator and one constant combinator per digit I want to display.

Here's my setup.

And here is a diagram of the controller by itself if it makes any sense. What I did was put the signals needed to light up a specific digit in the constant combinator, and set the decider combinator to output 1 of every input when the condition for its specific number was met.

I've been using a larger display controlled by pressure plates from my pressure plate mod as a timer for an automobile racetrack.

Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:27 am
by Belgarion045
wow, didnt think of it that way, i mean the special things like each or everything is quite hard to understand.

but the design will be even smaller when the next patch will come out, because of the multiple outputs thing the constant combinator will not be necessary anymore.

I'll link to your comment in my post so everyone can see a better idea than mine :D

Re: Digital Display, Yay!

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 12:42 am
by XKnight
I think I also can share my digit display in this topic, so... behold!


Details you can find here