Well, to understand what I said: What is the difference between a blueprint and a mod?
There is currently not very much difference between them. Both contain executeable lua code. More or less (I admit, this is a very high abstraction
but it can be abstracted to this simple points: a blueprint and a mod is executeable code ). But what I mean is, what hinders you, to take some of your best blueprint (beautiful, outbalanced, perfect working, reliable) you made and share them as some kind of mod?
All we need for this is a mechanism, which makes sharing of mods (and so blueprints easier).
That was the side story.
What I really mean: A single blueprint makes in most cases no sense. Ok, most current blueprints are usable on it's own. But that is, cause it is as it is. When I have a book of blueprints, which belongs together and if I have something like "anker points" (not implemented yet) or "blueprint masks" (also not implemented yet), I can use such blueprints in any combination. [Hmmm. I see I need to specify this more exactly, cause there is a longer story behind it, many other suggestions here are in about this direction. And with the new rail-builder in 0.13 things like that seem to be possible now. But that is a completly different thing.]
Some specific examples, that might make it more clear, what I mean:
Train stations.
There is a big discussion around that the train stations are horizontal larger, than vertical.
https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... =5&t=17795
With blueprint books it seems to be a very logical way to say this:
- First I need to choose the right book. There is one book for vertical and one for horizontal train stations.
- Then you need of course first the train stop.
- After the train stop you can built for example a coal-loader for the top train.
- Then you can built loader- or unloader-parts (for each wagon).
- The interesting stuff begins, when do I choose an loader/unloader with 7 or 8 tiles space (horizontal)? Such rules can be automated.
So both books ("Horzontal train stations" and "Vertical train stations") include the same functionality, but work completely different.
Walls and Defense
The walls and defense blueprint book might be a collection of parts of walls (and laser defenses), as well as entries and blueprints, that guarantee fast repair of the walls or (much more clever) auto-off-switching of the lasers, or belt systems to provide gun-turrets with ammunition.
So, to come back to the point, you mean to share blueprint on the player level: a player can reuse his blueprints from game to game.
I mean, that this is just the beginning, the top of the iceberg. The really cool stuff begins, when I can use blueprints from other players. And that means, they need to be organized in "containers", cause they belong together for some reason. And that "belonging together" means, that this knowledge should be contained inside of the "container" (=book). If I have all these components, I can
- Take the first blueprint of a train-stop, place it and the game shows you then, what other kind of blueprints you can place now.
- Take a part of a wall blueprint and drag it (walk while you build). The game adjusts matching other blueprints to built a complete wall, much longer than any simple blueprint can be.