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[0.12.20][Mac] Flickering when moving

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:55 am
by kosievdmerwe
When moving I see the screen flicker. It appears as if the game is switching between the sprite sheet (I'm assuming since a see rows of icons) and the actual game screen.

This happens more reliably when I'm fully zoomed out, but can also happen even when I'm partially zoomed out. It also doesn't happen always even when I'm zoomed out, but it happens fairly often.

Attached is a screenshot of my game settings and my mac's about screen.

What I also sometimes see is that some buildings and trees flicker even when I'm not moving around.

Re: [0.12.20][Mac] Flickering when moving

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 2:14 pm
by kovarex
This is most probably problems arising form the not so big video memory.

Try these solutions: ... f=7&t=9300