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The Ignored
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:07 am
by Covertcreeper
We've all played the game, of course, and the main mode is pretty fun. However I think the devs are ignoring an important aspect of the game, which is the campaign. I think personally that yes freeplay is fun but the base game could do well with a little bit more story to a. prepare new players better and b. just add more playable original content, unlike freeplay which is just open and up and play. Personally I would enjoy more campaign levels, how about you guys?
Re: The Ignored
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:46 am
by sillyfly
Re: The Ignored
Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:27 pm
by ssilk
I think the campaign is important.
In a way, that it explains
A) the world without much words (Training, for example how it the train working etc. - This is also useful to bring in some fun ... 821t#p9821 )
B) what kind of world or future we are in (A story)
C) a deeper level of the game (For example: Is there really no other way than to kill the natives? Do we really need to colonize that planet?)
Without this, Factorio is a "plane game", a game, that has no real depth.
Re: The Ignored
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:57 pm
by Xterminator
I think for newer players the campaign can be really fun and as ssilk mentioned it is a good learning experience, which I try not is mostly why they are there anyway. Personally I found them fairly boring, but I have never enjoyed campaigns in most games. Perhaps more advanced ones and a bit of polishing on the current ones could be pretty cool.
Really a matter of opinion I think. :p
Re: The Ignored
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:26 pm
by Chimaera
I started with the campaign but level three was the end of it for me, but i got some help and got to 4 but as a noob i couldn't build quick enough to save me from getting killed repeatedly.
I think the lower tuts need smoothing to make things more obvious to newbs these are my thoughts on lvl 3 ... 43#p118943
I suggested before why not let the community build the maps so its community levels, you would get lots of diff choices then.
And many different ways to do it.
You could even have a competition
All the devs would need to do it view the save game i guess to see whats needed
Re: The Ignored
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:29 am
by ssilk
Especially the story is evolving too fast. Too much new stuff is put into the maps. It tries to fulfill all 3 targets in one.
But as said, I think we need really to split this into the above mentioned directions.
And it can be seen like so:
Code: Select all
+------------- C) the deeper level -------------------------------+
| Where did the biters come from? |
| Who is the character and why is he on this planet? |
| Where does he come from and how is the world he lives in |
| is looking like? |
| It is a great mystery and should not be revealed! |
| |
| +----- B) The story -------+ +---- A) Training --------+ |
| | Simple: Escape from | | Previous training at | |
| | this planet by | <=> | the home planet. Some | |
| | building a rocket | | more persons can be | |
| | | | introduced. | |
| +--------------------------+ +-------------------------+ |
| You can change at every time between the two worlds (A and B) |
You can see that also like so:
A) The past!
B) Now
C) The future?
Or many more interpretations are possible... but in the end everything needs to reveal into C), where everything comes together.
Re: The Ignored
Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:10 am
by Covertcreeper
ssilk wrote:I think the campaign is important.
In a way, that it explains
A) the world without much words (Training, for example how it the train working etc. - This is also useful to bring in some fun ... 821t#p9821 )
B) what kind of world or future we are in (A story)
C) a deeper level of the game (For example: Is there really no other way than to kill the natives? Do we really need to colonize that planet?)
Without this, Factorio is a "plane game", a game, that has no real depth.
Yes, this is exactly what I was imagining. Im wondering what they could add, but I definitly think they need to get at least one guy working on the campaign at least a lil bit. Anyone have idea for what they could do?