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Evolution of trains

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 10:44 pm
by theradman221
So this might just be me, but does anyone else think that it would be awesome to have more than 1 train?
What i mean by this is unlocking the tracks for the railroad earlier along with a smaller train, that could maybe be a steam train that takes water from some type of liquid loader, or a handcart. Then also having a smaller version of the cargo cars along with a regular sized tank car and a smaller tank car.
It would also be cool if you could get like an electric train that can charge up whenever it goes past power poles like at a station. But produces no pollution and can haul either much bigger cars or cars at faster speeds.
this is just something that i thought would be cool since my primary would is getting quite expansive and I have to have three train running full time to keep it from running out of anything.
I also think that it would be cool if there was like train bridges to get over factories, because i find it hard to take a factory sometimes and put a rail line into the mix because of how much space unloading stations can take up.
But either way i love the rail system as is but think it would be cool to see some new features.

Re: Evolution of trains

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:22 am
by Alekthefirst
Trains are already pretty early game since they are green research

I've even seen someone start with trains for their first expansion, when it was only like 20 straight tracks away!

Re: Evolution of trains

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:41 am
by ssilk
Moved from general. See also the other threads about train. ... 80&t=17734 New types of vehicles (train, tank, car...)