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Cannot run between chests - Intended?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:46 pm
by Jackalope_Gaming
In the demo versions I've played (0.11.22 and 0.12.10) it is not possible to run between wooden chests, yet it is possible to run between two assemblers and plenty of other things. I mentioned this oddity in another thread and got told it wasn't possible in the full game either, for any version.

Is this a bug? It doesn't seem in line with the rest of the game's behavior to allow running between some other buildings and such.

Re: Cannot run between chests - Intended?

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 12:49 pm
by daniel34
Backlink for reference: ... =6&t=16862
ssilk wrote:You cannot walk between chests, even in the full game.
Maybe it's wanted or not. Someone can make a bug report then we will see. :)