Suggestions to increase threat potential of late game biters
Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:25 am
So at present Biters, once a player has a functional factory up and running with walls, towers and automated ammo production, become rather insignificant. This is further increased if the play builds a roboport and sets it up to auto-repair the surrounding area; thus meaning that the player hasn't even got to patrol the walls every so often to fix up points which have slowly taken damage over time.
This tends to result in Biters simply being a target for attacks, where they do hold up decently well; but with the tank and the use of blueprints to build way-bases with lasers and walls its again a point where they are mostly just there in the mid to late game to harvest resources from. They don't actually threaten the factory itself which; I feel, is something that they should be capable of doing.
Thus a few suggestions expanded upon from the news-thread post I made earlier:
1) Queens.
The concept of a queen in a general sense is to provide a threat which remains within the Biter controlled areas (either in a specific nest or roaming between them) but which increases the threat level of those Biter nests significantly. Thus creating a threat which must be identified (found) and then taken out by the player least they face a massive mounting threat from that flank against their factory - or at the very least forces the player to develop a much more hefty defensive setup - increasing the resource investment.
Ideas as to how the queen can increase the threat level could include:
a) Area control over Biters. Doesn't need to be advanced, but if the Queen were to have a control area around her which would allow her to link-up the attacks (Biters) of multiple hives so that they mount a much heavier assault upon a base in one go. The idea being that with a queen present she should be creating a much more "focused" attack upon a specific point - maybe calling the Biters to her location first then sending them in a huge single wave at a single destination.
b) Increased production/growth of Biter nests. Either limited to only the nest she is within or within the control circle around her. Whilst nests do grow quicker as the game progresses, the use of a queen increases this growth significantly. Thus further increasing the threat and also protecting the queen more so from attack by the player (harder to defend - harder to attack - and forcing the player to be more aware of Biter nests around their base to spot queens before their nest fully grows)
c) Growth of new nests - this could be done via the queen moving or by her simply having the capacity to increase nest formation within a control area around her. The latter is likely the better option as a mobile queen would expose itself to high risk rather than building up a heavy defence around itself.
d) Expanding control area. The control area idea suggested above, if used, could also feature it growing over time; representing the queen establishing more and more control over the Biters around her. This, if left unchecked, would result in a massive threat to the player.
Of course all this sounds nice in theory, however I suspect that Queen birth initially would have to be affected by pollution levels and distance to the high areas of pollution/player built structures. Ergo queens shouldn't be forming far out in the unexplored areas - or at least if they do they should be more rare and, like nests, less rapid in growth. This prevents the game reaching a point where the player is too heavily beset upon and where expansion is too high an investment to be fun for the player (of course such parameters could be tweaked by the game-start-up to scale threat to player desires).
2) Siege Biter. The concept behind this Biter is that currently most biters die to defensive fire from turrets and mines. As such a player only needs establish enough guns to counter an attack, plus provide some repair and Biters are held at bay. A double thickness wall also provides a huge time sink that simply eats up Biter pace and leaves them open to being shot to bits.
Thus the idea of a Siege biter is one that can't take damage from standard guns - or which has directional weakness so that its "front" end is impervious and only its rear can take damage. Thus it is basically a battering ram - the Bitcher charging up and smashing into walls/buildings and, rather like the tank going through trees, takes damage from the impacts more so. As a result it creates a biter which can potentially "punch" through a defensive position and thus either cause more damage within the factory or at the very least allow other Biters to follow after it. Thus forcing the player to invest more into a stronger defence and also introducing the need to rebuild/repair defensive areas under heavy attack form such Biters.
3) Biter "Walls". If the player gets them no reason the Biters shouldn't have some wall structures of their own. Might be too powerful considering how many of the static worms they can establish in a larger nest (considering that the player represents a single focal point for attack when going on the offensive).
4) Flying Biters. Like it says on the tin and clearly a Biter which represents significant threat since it would have the ability to ignore natural land features, mostly large bodies of water, which otherwise protect areas of a base from regular Biter attack. Furthermore means that walls no longer have a protecting effect and thus puts more risk to the players defensive structures going down.
Linking up ground and air attacks would be interesting but in my mind would revolve around a single choice - either allowing combined arms of ground and air at once and having air Biters tied to follow the general direction of ground biters (so that they hit the same spot; rather than have terrain cause the two types to split up); or focusing on single arms and having more air-biters produced so that when they attack on their own they represent a significant threat in their own right.
A further way to increase their threat level would be to have regular towers unable to attack them; thus requiring a new "anti air" tower building and/or an upgrade (research) to existing towers to target air Biters. Another concept would be "Radar" towers which would convey air attack capabilities to towers within their control radius.
That's just a few ideas to try and get mid to late game Biters become more of a threat so that the game has to include the combat element (least on default settings - players could of course weaken/disable/strengthen biters in game setup).
EDIT - along with making Biters more difficult and more of a threat I also feel (upon further thinking on this topic) that Biters also need to be less of a threat should they penetrate defensive lines. This essentially means building Biters so that they can punch through a defence - damage a factory, but at the same time also not be so powerful that should they enter the factory itself they tear the whole thing apart. Such could quickly crash a players enjoyment.
Thus I would propose a system where by the more Biters destroy the players buildings the less aggressive they become. The idea being that they charge in full of energy, but as they collectively destroy more and more they wear out - get tired and thus slow their advance. I would tie this to the destruction of non-military buildings so that the Biters would retain full aggression whilst attacking the defences (increased adrenalin from direct attack etc...); but would slow once they've taken out a portion of buildings within the factory.
This leaves more time for the player to respond to an attack personally - especially for larger factories. It means that a small out-post could be significantly damaged, but a much larger factory should be hurt but not totally destroyed by biter activity.
Of course this is a balance question really and could be countered by players building turrets within the base proper as well - so there's a bit of push and shove as to if this would be needed or not based on testing how well increased Biter threat goes.
This tends to result in Biters simply being a target for attacks, where they do hold up decently well; but with the tank and the use of blueprints to build way-bases with lasers and walls its again a point where they are mostly just there in the mid to late game to harvest resources from. They don't actually threaten the factory itself which; I feel, is something that they should be capable of doing.
Thus a few suggestions expanded upon from the news-thread post I made earlier:
1) Queens.
The concept of a queen in a general sense is to provide a threat which remains within the Biter controlled areas (either in a specific nest or roaming between them) but which increases the threat level of those Biter nests significantly. Thus creating a threat which must be identified (found) and then taken out by the player least they face a massive mounting threat from that flank against their factory - or at the very least forces the player to develop a much more hefty defensive setup - increasing the resource investment.
Ideas as to how the queen can increase the threat level could include:
a) Area control over Biters. Doesn't need to be advanced, but if the Queen were to have a control area around her which would allow her to link-up the attacks (Biters) of multiple hives so that they mount a much heavier assault upon a base in one go. The idea being that with a queen present she should be creating a much more "focused" attack upon a specific point - maybe calling the Biters to her location first then sending them in a huge single wave at a single destination.
b) Increased production/growth of Biter nests. Either limited to only the nest she is within or within the control circle around her. Whilst nests do grow quicker as the game progresses, the use of a queen increases this growth significantly. Thus further increasing the threat and also protecting the queen more so from attack by the player (harder to defend - harder to attack - and forcing the player to be more aware of Biter nests around their base to spot queens before their nest fully grows)
c) Growth of new nests - this could be done via the queen moving or by her simply having the capacity to increase nest formation within a control area around her. The latter is likely the better option as a mobile queen would expose itself to high risk rather than building up a heavy defence around itself.
d) Expanding control area. The control area idea suggested above, if used, could also feature it growing over time; representing the queen establishing more and more control over the Biters around her. This, if left unchecked, would result in a massive threat to the player.
Of course all this sounds nice in theory, however I suspect that Queen birth initially would have to be affected by pollution levels and distance to the high areas of pollution/player built structures. Ergo queens shouldn't be forming far out in the unexplored areas - or at least if they do they should be more rare and, like nests, less rapid in growth. This prevents the game reaching a point where the player is too heavily beset upon and where expansion is too high an investment to be fun for the player (of course such parameters could be tweaked by the game-start-up to scale threat to player desires).
2) Siege Biter. The concept behind this Biter is that currently most biters die to defensive fire from turrets and mines. As such a player only needs establish enough guns to counter an attack, plus provide some repair and Biters are held at bay. A double thickness wall also provides a huge time sink that simply eats up Biter pace and leaves them open to being shot to bits.
Thus the idea of a Siege biter is one that can't take damage from standard guns - or which has directional weakness so that its "front" end is impervious and only its rear can take damage. Thus it is basically a battering ram - the Bitcher charging up and smashing into walls/buildings and, rather like the tank going through trees, takes damage from the impacts more so. As a result it creates a biter which can potentially "punch" through a defensive position and thus either cause more damage within the factory or at the very least allow other Biters to follow after it. Thus forcing the player to invest more into a stronger defence and also introducing the need to rebuild/repair defensive areas under heavy attack form such Biters.
3) Biter "Walls". If the player gets them no reason the Biters shouldn't have some wall structures of their own. Might be too powerful considering how many of the static worms they can establish in a larger nest (considering that the player represents a single focal point for attack when going on the offensive).
4) Flying Biters. Like it says on the tin and clearly a Biter which represents significant threat since it would have the ability to ignore natural land features, mostly large bodies of water, which otherwise protect areas of a base from regular Biter attack. Furthermore means that walls no longer have a protecting effect and thus puts more risk to the players defensive structures going down.
Linking up ground and air attacks would be interesting but in my mind would revolve around a single choice - either allowing combined arms of ground and air at once and having air Biters tied to follow the general direction of ground biters (so that they hit the same spot; rather than have terrain cause the two types to split up); or focusing on single arms and having more air-biters produced so that when they attack on their own they represent a significant threat in their own right.
A further way to increase their threat level would be to have regular towers unable to attack them; thus requiring a new "anti air" tower building and/or an upgrade (research) to existing towers to target air Biters. Another concept would be "Radar" towers which would convey air attack capabilities to towers within their control radius.
That's just a few ideas to try and get mid to late game Biters become more of a threat so that the game has to include the combat element (least on default settings - players could of course weaken/disable/strengthen biters in game setup).
EDIT - along with making Biters more difficult and more of a threat I also feel (upon further thinking on this topic) that Biters also need to be less of a threat should they penetrate defensive lines. This essentially means building Biters so that they can punch through a defence - damage a factory, but at the same time also not be so powerful that should they enter the factory itself they tear the whole thing apart. Such could quickly crash a players enjoyment.
Thus I would propose a system where by the more Biters destroy the players buildings the less aggressive they become. The idea being that they charge in full of energy, but as they collectively destroy more and more they wear out - get tired and thus slow their advance. I would tie this to the destruction of non-military buildings so that the Biters would retain full aggression whilst attacking the defences (increased adrenalin from direct attack etc...); but would slow once they've taken out a portion of buildings within the factory.
This leaves more time for the player to respond to an attack personally - especially for larger factories. It means that a small out-post could be significantly damaged, but a much larger factory should be hurt but not totally destroyed by biter activity.
Of course this is a balance question really and could be countered by players building turrets within the base proper as well - so there's a bit of push and shove as to if this would be needed or not based on testing how well increased Biter threat goes.