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Configure the distance

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:17 pm
by yrod
Hi guys.
After playing my first over 40 hours game i found that i dont like small distance in this game. Even when i choose "very low" frequency of resources i've got everything to close, and if i use mods with additional variation of resources then i'v got almost no empty places without resource, and must build my base on it. And train with long railroad become useless.
So, i would like to have some abilities for adjusting game in this direction:
1) make frequency option modifier "very low" more rarest then usual;
2) make pollution spreads farther;
3) bitters(and others) attack from farther distance.
Maybe it can be done with one new option "scaling", witch would change all of this with some options: "normal", "high", "very high".
Even if you are going to make this in future, its take a long time, so can i take advice how can i configure it by myself? Because at first i wanted write it at "Gameplay Help", but its more looks like suggestion.
Sorry for bad english

Re: Configure the distance

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2015 4:40 pm
by FishSandwich
Have you tried Resource Spawner Overhaul(RSO) mod?

Re: Configure the distance

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 1:51 pm
by yrod
FishSandwich wrote:Have you tried Resource Spawner Overhaul(RSO) mod?
Not yet. I will taste it. But what about pollution range? Can i somehow change it?