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An old mod I made + Little History

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 3:30 am
by BloodyRum
A long time ago (The mod was for factorio 9.8) I started to make a mod called "MARKMORE" It would simply add new power armor item tiers so that solar panels and Fission reactors made more power. (At the craziest level the Reactor was 1x1 but, taking that is was INSANLY expensive I thought it was ok.) Now I think I posted about it on the Factorio mod senction. After a little bit and getting most items working my computer stopped working. (I hate registry glitches) So for the longest time I thought it was gone. All that hard work put into it. But one day I find a USB drive laying around and pulg it into my new computer and, There it was! After finding it I working on it for a while trying to fiddle with it but I lost interest. Then one day I went back into fiddling with it trying to have separate "modules" like most current mods have. ( *cough* *cough* Bobs mods ) then I lost interest in it again. Now I was browsing though my files and though I would ask the lovely Factorio community if anyone wanted to take over/still want it. I know now that most of my items are not as good as current items added by large mods that add the same thing. Although I don't care too much about it, I still want it to live on.

So here comes my question.
Anyone want it?

Re: An old mod I made + Little History

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 2:03 am
by bigyihsuan

i want to be sanic and gotta go fast

(Seriously, yes. I really want to see how many exoskeletons I can cram into a power armor.)

Re: An old mod I made + Little History

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:31 am
by Alekthefirst
bigyihsuan wrote:Yes.

i want to be sanic and gotta go fast

(Seriously, yes. I really want to see how many exoskeletons I can cram into a power armor.)
Advanced Equipments improved 20*20 armour plus its improved exoskeletons + this mod should do just fine

Re: An old mod I made + Little History

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:17 pm
by ssilk
That was long enough. Moved to discussions.