Biters Eat Items and Drop Inventory on Death
Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:00 am
The title says most of it. So basically if you die your items scatter everywhere. If you get hit by a train then most likely you can recover everything. But if you run into a biter nest and die they will eat your stuff. At a certain stage in evolution they will even start eating stuff off your conveyor belts (munching on the belt at the same time). They won't eat the stuff out of your chests or machines, but the items would drop and get munched. They will always eat static items that they pass over (they will only eat stuff of conveyors they are attacking), but they won't be attracted to items like structures. The only thing they shouldn't eat obviously is alien artifacts, everything else would be fair game though. Whether they eat items a certain amount at a time or whole stacks would depend on their evolution. (spitters would eat more then biters)