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[0.12.1] Crash on manual save

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 4:16 pm
by johanwanderer
My mouse has been acting up (sending multiple clicks instead of just one) which is annoying, but it may also cause a game crash.

I was unable to reproduce this, but when Factorio crashed, it was half-way through painting a custom GUI panel WHILE the main menu was opened. The only way that custom GUI could be opened in game was by clicking on a custom button (top left). The save file itself has not been overwritten.

Re: [0.12.1] Crash on manual save

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:52 pm
by kovarex
Hello, this issue is most probably fixed for 0.12.5.

The related topic is here: ... 30&t=15066

The issue is, that some of the mods probably manipulated the gui in the on_save event, as I don't have the mod folder, I can't check.