Mine straigt rails over curved
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:55 pm
This is not a bug, but it so annoying, when building rails and it should be easy to fix this, that I think it could be moved to bugs.
See here
https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... =10#p93735
Typically I build first the curves then the straights and when I look to other youtubers etc. this is useful. It is also a lot easier to mine a curve, cause it is much bigger and it much more probable, that you find a point in your layout, where you can mine a curve, than mining a straight rail.
So I think that when always the straight rails where mined first, it enables a better handling of situations, where you just built a bit too far/wrong etc.
See here
https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... =10#p93735
Typically I build first the curves then the straights and when I look to other youtubers etc. this is useful. It is also a lot easier to mine a curve, cause it is much bigger and it much more probable, that you find a point in your layout, where you can mine a curve, than mining a straight rail.
So I think that when always the straight rails where mined first, it enables a better handling of situations, where you just built a bit too far/wrong etc.