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More Robotic Options
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:51 am
by Flebe
I love the current robots available in the game however I would like to see more robot options within the game. Currently there are only logistics and maintenance robots and they fly. However I think that this could be improved by adding non flying versions.
For example whilst currently fine it would be nice to have a lower tech version that perhaps is just a rover like version that would drive around the ground instead meaning that you could plan your factories around their movement needs. For example you would need to have a place for the rovers to pass over or under conveyors / around machinery. I just think it would add a new layer to the logistics side of the game as well as possibly it being a better option in some ways to flying bots as maybe they could carry more and would be useful for moving ore and stone or anything that you need moved in large quantities. Not only this but maybe adding a bot that could chop down trees / Mine ore in a specific area meaning that it would be able to explore more. This would be balanced by the fact that they cont defend themselves very well so could be attacked easily however you could save metal on transport belts.
Any whay I think it would be a good idea :p any more sugestions shove them below.
Re: More Robotic Options
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 11:14 am
by Plop and run
As I see it, transport belts is the early game (pre-oil era) challenge. Notice how the production becomes trivial as soon as you have enough logistic bots. In the mid game, it is fine as you have other things to do: war, mining outposts and the train network. Also, you have the whole oil industry that can't be handled by robots. In the early game though, building production chains is your only job, so you can't trivialize it.
Deconstruction is another story - refactoring comes in every stage of the game and the deconstructing part of it is outright tedious and boring, so I think that the game can benefit from crawling bots who can do noting but deconstruction - and the earlier you can get them the better.
Re: More Robotic Options
Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:40 pm
by Flebe
Plop and run wrote:As I see it, transport belts is the early game (pre-oil era) challenge. Notice how the production becomes trivial as soon as you have enough logistic bots. In the mid game, it is fine as you have other things to do: war, mining outposts and the train network. Also, you have the whole oil industry that can't be handled by robots. In the early game though, building production chains is your only job, so you can't trivialize it.
Deconstruction is another story - refactoring comes in every stage of the game and the deconstructing part of it is outright tedious and boring, so I think that the game can benefit from crawling bots who can do noting but deconstruction - and the earlier you can get them the better.
I get what you mean :p but I feel like it would be a more mid game / Early late game pat of the game however it would be a bit of a cluster F*** so unlike the Flying bots who can be in a tiny space at the same time the ground bots would have to que up instead. Basically just to act as a good balance but I do see what you mean with trivial part but I usual try to get there Asap because making compact factories is hard and a bit annoying after making a small mistake that stops everything.
Also what exactly do you mean by deconstruction? the point at witch you start a massive redesign?
I still think though you have more to do like you could have to protect you're miners by destroying any threats near by as well as if you use the ground bots then you can build a very protected base as you would have to have so many openings for the bots to go through you would have to focus more on security. But yea I see where you're coming from but i still think it would be nice to have the option.
Re: More Robotic Options
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:18 am
by PTR2013
If the robots have wheels, they should use wood/coal/solid fuel to drive around, just like cars. This would make ground robots a less power consuming version of the flying robot. And a fuel station that you have to supply with fuel where ground robots will go to get more fuel. They should be less expensive to make than the flying robot, since they need a normal engine and not a electric engine.
Re: More Robotic Options
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 8:36 am
by Flebe
PTR2013 wrote:If the robots have wheels, they should use wood/coal/solid fuel to drive around, just like cars. This would make ground robots a less power consuming version of the flying robot. And a fuel station that you have to supply with fuel where ground robots will go to get more fuel. They should be less expensive to make than the flying robot, since they need a normal engine and not a electric engine.
Yea that would work, However there could be different types like a steam bot that requires water and any solid fuel and a combustion engine one that requires liquid and maybe an electric one.
Re: More Robotic Options
Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:06 pm
by johanwanderer
ssilk and I had a long discussions on this, starting here: ... 906#p93906