netlist language for combinators.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:37 pm
I think that to have a netlist language for combinators could be a good idea so if you would like to contribute :
This a simple example of what I'm thinking for having a blinking device :
I'm sure that we can create a neat language to define a circuit, and I also think that we could add structural information so people would program a circuit for a specific use and later use a program to create blueprints
This a simple example of what I'm thinking for having a blinking device :
Code: Select all
DEF Blinker
NODE main RED # a network is a group of cables connected to each other
# not defining it would make a simgle use cable
# a device could get or send from two network if their color are not the same
# INPUT Example # Inputs could be written from external circuit.
OUTPUT output # Outputs could be read from external circuit.
# DUAL Data # Dual could be read and written from external circuit.
CONSTANT main:lenght_total=60 # Constants could be redefined from call but could not be read from external circuit
STATIC CONSTANT main:counter=1 # Static constant could not be redefined from call
DECIDER main:counter = [main:counter < main:lenght_total]
DECIDER main:output ? [main:counter < main:lenght_on]
DEF Special_blinker
REM Blink two times then one times
Blinker output,90,30
Blinker output,20,10
LAMP [output > 1]