Peaceful mode.
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:39 pm
So I have this quite good factory now but I keep having to reload due to large biter attacks. Is there any way to turn on peaceful mode so that won't happen again. Thanks in advance
Code: Select all
/c game.peaceful_mode = true
/c game.forces['enemy'].kill_all_units()
So I tried this and it didn't work for some reason it could be cause i modified my world a bit. I have closed Factorio completly and restarted also didn't work. What could be the problem?kevinski120 wrote:Okay thanks ill try that hopefully I won't get attacked anymore.
version 0.11 or version 0.12 the commands changed between those 2kevinski120 wrote:So I tried this and it didn't work for some reason it could be cause i modified my world a bit. I have closed Factorio completly and restarted also didn't work. What could be the problem?kevinski120 wrote:Okay thanks ill try that hopefully I won't get attacked anymore.
Code: Select all
/c game.peacefulmode = true
/c game.killallenemies()
I am playing in version 0.12ratchetfreak wrote:version 0.11 or version 0.12 the commands changed between those 2kevinski120 wrote:So I tried this and it didn't work for some reason it could be cause i modified my world a bit. I have closed Factorio completly and restarted also didn't work. What could be the problem?kevinski120 wrote:Okay thanks ill try that hopefully I won't get attacked anymore.
in version 0.11 it'sCode: Select all
/c game.peacefulmode = true /c game.killallenemies()
Code: Select all
/c game.peaceful_mode = true;game.forces.enemy.kill_all_units ()
Enemy, not enemies.ratchetfreak wrote:/c game.forces['enemies'].kill_all_units()