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Sub-Icons for Power Suit icon (like blueprints)

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:34 am
by Gandalf
In the end game it's often useful to have multiple power suits (one for fighting with many shields, one for building with lots of exosceletons and roboports). However when switching between suits you have to select the right one from your inventory, which is slightly annoying because they are visually indistinguishable until you hover over one to see its grid.
Suggestion: Allow selecting a little icon that will be displayed on top of the suit that can indicate its function. I think you could just reuse the GUI that is already used for marking blueprints.

Re: Sub-Icons for Power Suit icon (like blueprints)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:30 am
by Peter34
Gandalf wrote:In the end game it's often useful to have multiple power suits (one for fighting with many shields, one for building with lots of exosceletons and roboports). However when switching between suits you have to select the right one from your inventory, which is slightly annoying because they are visually indistinguishable until you hover over one to see its grid.
Suggestion: Allow selecting a little icon that will be displayed on top of the suit that can indicate its function. I think you could just reuse the GUI that is already used for marking blueprints.
Thumbs up for this one, if there is an easy way for the devs to implement it.

Another solution, much simpler, is to simply allow the user to assign a one-letter "code" to each suit, i.e. give it a one-letter name, like this is my suit A, this is my suit B, making or changing the name in the RMB-click interface where you add and remove suit modules.