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crash when rotating a blueprint containing underground belts

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:28 pm
by db48x
In this save, rotating the red circuit blueprint (in my inventory, not the toolbar) causes a crash. I'll post the log, but here's the relevant portion of the stack:

000000007730DB38 (ntdll): (filename not available): KiUserExceptionDispatch
c:\temp\factorio-5829127a\src\surface\surface.cpp (72): Surface::getAdvancedTileSafe
c:\temp\factorio-5829127a\src\entity\heuristicentitysearch.cpp (30): HeuristicEntityIterator::HeuristicEntityIterator
c:\temp\factorio-5829127a\src\entity\transportbeltconnectable.cpp (216): TransportBeltConnectable::connect
c:\temp\factorio-5829127a\src\entity\transportbelttoground.cpp (307): TransportBeltToGround::setDirection
c:\temp\factorio-5829127a\src\graphics\buildingrenderer.cpp (249): BuildingRenderer::drawEntityToBeBuilt
c:\temp\factorio-5829127a\src\graphics\buildingrenderer.cpp (142): BuildingRenderer::drawBlueprintToBeBuilt

If I make a blueprint with just some underground belts in it I also get a crash, though I've not tried this in a new game. This game uses the Landfill and Upgraded Electric mods, and was started after 0.12 came out.

Re: crash when rotating a blueprint containing underground belts

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:17 pm
by oLaudix
Tbh, it sometimes crases even without rotating. As soon as i take it out of the belt game crashes.

Re: crash when rotating a blueprint containing underground belts

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:22 pm
by orzelek
oLaudix wrote:Tbh, it sometimes crases even without rotating. As soon as i take it out of the belt game crashes.
Afaik game tries to remember your current "rotation" flag.
So it might be rotating even if you are not doing that.

This one is a duplicate tho and it's fixed for 0.12.1 already.