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Mod Roundup #9

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:33 am
by Degraine
Modding carries on unabated, despite expectations of 0.12 materialising any moment now.



Laige's Mods - Various mods.

Newly published: Burner Assembly Machine. Pretty much what you'd expect, although it can also smelt ores, surprisingly enough (at half the efficiency of the stoen furnace).

Torches - Low-tech light source.

Adds a crude light source that runs off coal or other fuel items... and can somehow automatically extinguish and relight itself depending on what time of day it is.

Transformator - Electric network segregation/power distribution.

I don't know why it's not called 'Transformer', but whatever. This one takes power in from one side and puts it out the other, and is capable of overriding steam engines, it appears, so it is a very simple solution to the solar>accumulators>steam power heirarchy problem.



Electric Boiler (0.11.3) - Electricity-powered steam boiler for backup power.

Bugfix, tightening up some code.

FARL (0.2.93)- Automated rail laying.

Some fixes - you can now load a game where the player is driving a FARL. Debug optional available, and other fixes.

Large Filterable Chests (0.11.5) - Upscaled storage chests with filterable slots.

Multiplayer support, fixed a ghost-build bug.

WaiTex (0.6.0) - HD Texture Pack.

Extensive changes; see the changelog.