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More applications for steam/pipes
Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:33 pm
by Aarkreinsil
I know this might be a bit generic, but I really like playing around with the steam boilers, the pipe networks and the general water flow system (even though it's supposedly broken).
So what about assembly machines or logistic systems that use steam/hydraulics/pneumatics instead of electricity, or new liquids to pump around?
Maybe a solar-thermal boiler for when your coal runs out. This could also serve as an advanced alternative to photovoltaic panels, which take up a ton of space, and need equal amounts of accumulators, whereas boilers would store potential energy as steam.
When I think factories and pollution, I also think huge pipelines that pierce the desert, transporting around oil, chemicals or just plain water. Of course, using water pumps, dams and reservoirs as a means of accumulating/conserving power is probably impossible with a 2d game, but especially with the pollution-binding sewage mechanic that you guys mentioned, this would be an interesting alternative.
That way you could "pump" the pollution out of the air, create a sewage-like sludge and pump it into a lake or another generic area, where the aliens are then going to go crazy over the spreading pollution. BUT! that way you could make them attack far away from your actual base, and create elaborate defenses for your sewage dump lake, which might be easier than littering your entire factory with turrets.
Just my 2 cents, and I'm sure you guys will have even more and probably better ideas, feel free to add your own ideas or change mine.
Re: More applications for steam/pipes
Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:07 pm
by kovarex
Yes, moving pollution out using pipes was my idea as well.
Oil, rafineries yes, we want that for long time.
The Factorio world is endless well of ideas, and our programming and graphical capabilities aren't endless, I wish they would

But our company name is wube, it means, translated to english "Everything is going to be dome eventually"

Re: More applications for steam/pipes
Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:33 pm
by Aarkreinsil
Speaking of which, will you possibly include some of the really good mods into the game? I know you frequently look through the code of many of the mods, and there is no shame in incorporating good mods into the base game, as long as the quality standards are being met.
So, I know it's a stretch, but maybe you could outsource some of the programming to the community. Make a mod competition to see who creates the best oil/refinery mod, and use some of the code and assets for the game to save time?
Project Zomboid did it with the farming and camping mods, and they even hired one of the modders.
Other than that, awesome to hear that you have plans for an oil industry. Can't wait to make plastic, fuel and cheap cosmetic products

Re: More applications for steam/pipes
Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:09 pm
by drs9999
Re: More applications for steam/pipes
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 8:09 am
by gr0mpel
Aarkreinsil wrote:Speaking of which, will you possibly include some of the really good mods into the game? I know you frequently look through the code of many of the mods, and there is no shame in incorporating good mods into the base game, as long as the quality standards are being met.
So, I know it's a stretch, but maybe you could outsource some of the programming to the community. Make a mod competition to see who creates the best oil/refinery mod, and use some of the code and assets for the game to save time?
Project Zomboid did it with the farming and camping mods, and they even hired one of the modders.
Other than that, awesome to hear that you have plans for an oil industry. Can't wait to make plastic, fuel and cheap cosmetic products

that would be awesome.
since we have a few people in the community that are programming really awesome mods.. i.e. the treefarm mod..since trees reduce pollution it would be awesome to integrate a possibility to replant trees (and use some of the treefarm-code/buildings for it).
Re: More applications for steam/pipes
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:18 am
by Nirahiel
gr0mpel wrote:since trees reduce pollution it would be awesome to integrate a possibility to replant trees
Actually ...
It's planned for my mod too

Re: More applications for steam/pipes
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:21 pm
by ficolas
Aarkreinsil wrote:Speaking of which, will you possibly include some of the really good mods into the game? I know you frequently look through the code of many of the mods, and there is no shame in incorporating good mods into the base game, as long as the quality standards are being met.
So, I know it's a stretch, but maybe you could outsource some of the programming to the community. Make a mod competition to see who creates the best oil/refinery mod, and use some of the code and assets for the game to save time?
Project Zomboid did it with the farming and camping mods, and they even hired one of the modders.
Other than that, awesome to hear that you have plans for an oil industry. Can't wait to make plastic, fuel and cheap cosmetic products

Mods arent made the same way as the game is.
Mods are made in lua, the game uses c and lua, and a big part of the mod added to the game, should be made in c# or it would be quite messy
Re: More applications for steam/pipes
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:33 pm
by Nirahiel
Ficolas, more and more things are added to the lua part of the game, so we modders can do whatever we want

It's just a matter of time before almost everything is customizable with mods
Re: More applications for steam/pipes
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:57 pm
by Aarkreinsil
Mods are made in lua, the game uses c and lua, and a big part of the mod added to the game, should be made in c# or it would be quite messy
That's why I'm saying they could just translate the code. I'm sure it's much easier to take already written code and just convert or polish it until it meets the game's quality standards, than it is to code it from scratch.
I know programming is mostly about problem solving and HOW you tackle a certain scenario. Either you go 2+2 or 4/2, or 1+3, you get the idea. Also, a really good mod might already take care of stuff like balancing, figuring out meaningful production chains and other fiddly stuff like that.
Re: More applications for steam/pipes
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 7:34 pm
by ficolas
Nirahiel wrote:Ficolas, more and more things are added to the lua part of the game, so we modders can do whatever we want

It's just a matter of time before almost everything is customizable with mods
I know, but why would you want to do half of a game in lua and half in c# if it is not to simplify it?
Adding a treefarm to the game would be lessmessy to be done with c# than with lua, because everything would be more configurable, and what we do with lua are workarrounds
Re: More applications for steam/pipes
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 7:39 pm
by Nirahiel
What we do is doing something we can without having access to the source code, which is fair.
Re: More applications for steam/pipes
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 7:41 pm
by ficolas
Nirahiel wrote:What we do is doing something we can without having access to the source code, which is fair.
Yea totally fair since that is what devs want us to do

Re: More applications for steam/pipes
Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:15 pm
by kovarex
The whole game can't be in lua for one simple reason, performance.
Some very stressed parts, like transport belts, inserters, enemies and such need to be optimised a lot, and it would not really be possible in lua.
Re: More applications for steam/pipes
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:43 pm
by Cordylus
Pipes can transport many important liquids now.