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Reddit Protests - Should /r/Factorio go private?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 5:59 am
by vampiricdust ... od_firing/

So I guess there's a lot going on at reddit. Seems they let one of their employees goes who was pretty essential to the communities who do "Ask me Anything" posts. The link below shows Alexis Ohanian co-founder + Executive Chairman of Reddit, an admin on the site being extremely rude and unprofessional in the midst of the situation. It seems the Executive Chairman of the company decides to be sarcastic and rather unprofessional over the concerns of the communities. ... ?context=3

Re: Reddit Protests - Should /r/Factorio go private?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:54 am
by oLaudix
They went full retard over nothing ...

Re: Reddit Protests - Should /r/Factorio go private?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 8:59 am
by vampiricdust
I wouldn't say it was nothing. It started over the AMA coordinator being terminated. Reddit failed to notify the moderators of the change in staff and did nothing to ensure her duties were taken over by someone else. Since the moderators could not do what she did, they either had to let the AMAs go to shit or close & figure things out on how to go forward. The Executive Chairman made rather sarcastic and unprofessional comments in response to user concerns.

I don't know about anyone else, but when the leaders of a company are acting inappropriately, it usually means the company isn't worth dealing with.

Re: Reddit Protests - Should /r/Factorio go private?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:00 am
by FishSandwich
I don't see how the Factorio community would profit in any way shape or form by becoming involved in the workings of a completely unrelated company.

Re: Reddit Protests - Should /r/Factorio go private?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:10 am
by vampiricdust
FishSandwich wrote:I don't see how the Factorio community would profit in any way shape or form by becoming involved in the workings of a completely unrelated company.
Some things are more important than profiting.

Re: Reddit Protests - Should /r/Factorio go private?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:13 am
by oLaudix
FishSandwich wrote:I don't see how the Factorio community would profit in any way shape or form by becoming involved in the workings of a completely unrelated company.
This. Same goes to other reddits that got closed. Someone got fired ... who gives a crap? Why should anyone give a crap? The only people who should care about it is AMA team. Noone else. People are behaving like children. And please dont talk about solidarity, its just a freaking website.

Re: Reddit Protests - Should /r/Factorio go private?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:25 am
by vampiricdust
oLaudix wrote:
FishSandwich wrote:I don't see how the Factorio community would profit in any way shape or form by becoming involved in the workings of a completely unrelated company.
This. Same goes to other reddits that got closed. Someone got fired ... who gives a crap? Why should anyone give a crap? The only people who should care about it is AMA team. Noone else. People are behaving like children. And please dont talk about solidarity, its just a freaking website.
Don't believe so. I've read a lot of what the moderators are saying. The person being fired without any communication to the moderators is the problem, not the person being fired. Personally I am done with reddit, but figured I'd see if anyone could agree. I've been an administrator on a website that had tens of thousands of users. I find the handling of the problems by the reddit admins quite shameful. It hardly matters in the long run, but it's better to have compassion than apathy.

Re: Reddit Protests - Should /r/Factorio go private?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:34 am
by oLaudix
vampiricdust wrote:
oLaudix wrote:
FishSandwich wrote: It hardly matters in the long run, but it's better to have compassion than apathy.
Well, we are quite different there. Im not telling the admins of reddit handled matters well, cuz they didnt, but i will never symathize with ppl that try to solve their matters by doing stuff that affects ppl completely unrelated with their problem. If they have a problem with admins, they should deal with admins instead of venting their frustration on everyone around.

Re: Reddit Protests - Should /r/Factorio go private?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:41 am
by vampiricdust
oLaudix wrote:Well, we are quite different there. Im not telling the admins of reddit handled matters well, cuz they didnt, but i will never symathize with ppl that try to solve their matters by doing stuff that affects ppl completely unrelated with their problem. If they have a problem with admins, they should deal with admins instead of venting their frustration on everyone around.
The whole problem was that the admins were not responding to them. It seems a lot of moderators have spent a few years being ignored and frustrated. Instead making wild assumptions about what happened & why, maybe you go investigate it. ... her_large/

I think you fail to understand what a protest, strike, or rebellion is about. Of course people not involved are going to be affected, the moderators acted to get the admins to open up communication. Otherwise, they should have all just quit being mods. Which by the way, would have affected people the same in the end, which is why I said in the long run it hardly matters.

Re: Reddit Protests - Should /r/Factorio go private?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 9:53 am
by oLaudix
vampiricdust wrote:I think you fail to understand what a protest, strike, or rebellion is about. Of course people not involved are going to be affected, the moderators acted to get the admins to open up communication. Otherwise, they should have all just quit being mods. Which by the way, would have affected people the same in the end, which is why I said in the long run it hardly matters.
NO no no. Its not that. It's just i don't like the way its being done. Ill give you and example. If ppl at railyard want a raise, but their communication with management brings no result, they stop the train i use to get to work. It doesnt make me sympathize with them. It makes me want to punch them in the throat. If instead they used words, spread out flyers and whatnot I would be much more favourable to them. Hell i will sign any petition you want if I feel you are right. This is the same situation. You dont like smth? Spam the shit out of your reddit with the issue. Make 1000 stickies about it. I may read it and sympathize, or not. But i have a choice. Now i feel like hostage. And i don't like the feeling.

Re: Reddit Protests - Should /r/Factorio go private?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:01 am
by vampiricdust
oLaudix wrote: NO no no. Its not that. It's just i don't like the way its being done. Ill give you and example. If ppl at railyard want a raise, but their communication with management brings no result, they stop the train i use to get to work. It doesnt make me sympathize with them. It makes me want to punch them in the throat. If instead they used words, spread out flyers and whatnot I would be much more favourable to them. Hell i will sign any petition you want if I feel you are right. This is the same situation. You dont like smth? Spam the shit out of your reddit with the issue. Make 1000 stickies about it. I may read it and sympathize, or not. But i have a choice. Now i feel like hostage. And i don't like the feeling.
I get ya, I don't really agree with you at all, but I understand what you're meaning. See, for me, if they are underpaid, overworked, and being ignored, I'd feel like a real piece of crap if they kept working just so I wouldn't be inconvenienced. Unfortunately in this life, talk is cheap, action makes things happen. Some people in charge of companies will never listen to what anyone says, but if you put their jobs at risk because the company is at risk of losing money or going bankrupt, then they historically have a much more likely excuse to actually listen.

If you have time, you should do some reading on unions and how effective talking was before strikes.

Re: Reddit Protests - Should /r/Factorio go private?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:07 am
by oLaudix
You still don't get my point. It might be fault of my medicore usage of english since its not my native language. I will summarise it in one sentence. Don't USE ppl for your cause but instead TALK them into backing you up on their own. You can't deal with smth? ASK for help. Asking is the keyword here.

Re: Reddit Protests - Should /r/Factorio go private?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:17 am
by vampiricdust
oLaudix wrote:You still don't get my point. It might be fault of my medicore usage of english since its not my native language. I will summarise it in one sentence. Don't USE ppl for your cause but instead TALK them into backing you up on their own. You can't deal with smth? ASK for help. Asking is the keyword here.
No I get it, I just really really don't agree with you. We have different values & priorities.

Re: Reddit Protests - Should /r/Factorio go private?

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 10:43 am
by oLaudix
I guess we do.

Re: Reddit Protests - Should /r/Factorio go private?

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:39 am
by Stickman
oLaudix wrote:You still don't get my point. It might be fault of my medicore usage of english since its not my native language. I will summarise it in one sentence. Don't USE ppl for your cause but instead TALK them into backing you up on their own. You can't deal with smth? ASK for help. Asking is the keyword here.
None of this matters. /r/Factorio is a subredit about a GAME. It's not about politics, it's not about Social Justice Idiots, it's not about any of that other pointless arguing garbage.

It's a VIDEO GAME. Keep it about the GAME and nothing else.

Making it private is just stupid and so are all the SJW's on Reddit. Don't drag Factorio down to the depths of internet garbage that is the politics and trolling of whiny SJW nonsense.