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Logistic Slot UI Shortcut

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:09 pm
by Berserker55
A simple idea; for when you pick a requester logistic slot, for a chest or player, default to a new tab of "Available in Logistic Network", which would have all the items listed, that are stored in the logistic system. Typically you'd want to request something, that you produce, right?

Re: Logistic Slot UI Shortcut

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:04 pm
by ssilk
Not implicitly:
- If you are outside of the logistic network (as player)
- If you are in another logistic network (as player)
- If you currently don't have that item in your network (you request it, cause you just have built the production for this)

In that cases this doesn't make sense. But I admit that it makes sense to enhance/highlight the existing products somehow.

Re: Logistic Slot UI Shortcut

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:16 pm
by Berserker55
You could just make it the default, when an applicable logistic system is available.
Alternatively, have it be another optional section. Similar to how in inventory you have 3 sections (items, logistics, crafting). And that additional section only pops up when inside a logistic network.
Additionally highlighting items in the category view is also nice. But doesn't help enough in a heavily modded environment with 20+ tabs.