Terrain elevation, hills and mountains with fake cliffs
Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 2:26 pm
Old topic with comment from developer: https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... f=6&t=3719
Recent topic, which died pretty fast: https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... f=6&t=7802
In a nutshell: The tarrain is flat and that is boring. There should be some kind of terrain elevation.
There a two ways, to do elevation in a 2D game,
- "real" elevation with shading on the sloping tiles. Requires extensive engine support.
- fake elevation with no change to the grid, only some cosmetics to make it look good.
Let me explain what I mean with two (large) screenshots of the old Command & Conquer games. With the gritty look and the ore on the ground, definately comparable to Factorio. First the "real" elevation. The cliff is 4 units high, sloping tiles make a difference of one unit. The tiles are aligned differently, but that's insignificant. The sloping tiles are lighter or darker shaded, depending on their direction. But the ground itself can also be lighter or darker, making it hard to identify the sloping in some places. The fake elevation in the first C&C game only uses the cliffs. They are cosmetic building blocks which only look as if there is a height difference. Also the cliffs don't need to be closed like contour lines, they can start and end deliberately. Their only real property is, that they are impassable. They may give a combat advantage, but that's secondary and I'm not sure if it was even done in C&C. With "real" elevation, only belts, pipes, rails and paving may be built on slopes (big amount of new sprites), which may need to be really gentle to not look totally unrealistic for the rails especially. For everything else you would need flat land, which means you need some way to terraform it. That may sound nice at first but probably quickly becomes more cumbersome work than gameplay worth.
The fake elevation is the way to go with Factorio. Not only to go easy on the devs, but because it is actually the better choice in my opinion.
- The cliffs consist of building blocks.
- They are around 3 tiles wide (may be wider or thinner at places).
- Nothing can be build on a cliff.
- Electric wires may connect over a cliff.
- I'm undecided on underground belts and pipes. I tend to no. Opinions?
- No vehicle can drive accross a cliff, maybe down, but that is probably fatal.
- The character can traverse a cliff (special climbing animation but not too fancy) with slow speed.
- The aliens can or cannot traverse a cliff, I'm not decided. Opinions?
- The cliff may be blown apart with a huge amount of explosives to make way.
- There may be building blocks, where two cliffs join into one.
- ..., where several cliffs culminate to a big mountain top.
Gameplay value:
Cliffs provide an obstacle, something that now only the water does. They make the environment richer, challenging and force the player to adapt to it more.
Since the player can traverse cliffs, but other means of transportation can't, near ressources may actually be badly reachable. In such environments a niche technology, such as the wished for ropeway conveyor https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... f=6&t=7977, can play to it's strengths. This makes the research tree much more interesting, when you can research specialized stuff that helps you in your situation. It adds replayability to the game, when you are forced to adept even your long term strategies to the environment.
- The character can climb now. It should be able to climb pipes as well.
- Stone may be mined from suitable cliffs instead from the ground.
- Cliffs may loose a boulder now and then, especially when beeing shot at, which then rolls down the hill (read: away from the cliff) wreaking havock on it's way.
Next stop: Rivers, waterfalls and hydroelectric power
Recent topic, which died pretty fast: https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... f=6&t=7802
In a nutshell: The tarrain is flat and that is boring. There should be some kind of terrain elevation.
There a two ways, to do elevation in a 2D game,
- "real" elevation with shading on the sloping tiles. Requires extensive engine support.
- fake elevation with no change to the grid, only some cosmetics to make it look good.
Let me explain what I mean with two (large) screenshots of the old Command & Conquer games. With the gritty look and the ore on the ground, definately comparable to Factorio. First the "real" elevation. The cliff is 4 units high, sloping tiles make a difference of one unit. The tiles are aligned differently, but that's insignificant. The sloping tiles are lighter or darker shaded, depending on their direction. But the ground itself can also be lighter or darker, making it hard to identify the sloping in some places. The fake elevation in the first C&C game only uses the cliffs. They are cosmetic building blocks which only look as if there is a height difference. Also the cliffs don't need to be closed like contour lines, they can start and end deliberately. Their only real property is, that they are impassable. They may give a combat advantage, but that's secondary and I'm not sure if it was even done in C&C. With "real" elevation, only belts, pipes, rails and paving may be built on slopes (big amount of new sprites), which may need to be really gentle to not look totally unrealistic for the rails especially. For everything else you would need flat land, which means you need some way to terraform it. That may sound nice at first but probably quickly becomes more cumbersome work than gameplay worth.
The fake elevation is the way to go with Factorio. Not only to go easy on the devs, but because it is actually the better choice in my opinion.
- The cliffs consist of building blocks.
- They are around 3 tiles wide (may be wider or thinner at places).
- Nothing can be build on a cliff.
- Electric wires may connect over a cliff.
- I'm undecided on underground belts and pipes. I tend to no. Opinions?
- No vehicle can drive accross a cliff, maybe down, but that is probably fatal.
- The character can traverse a cliff (special climbing animation but not too fancy) with slow speed.
- The aliens can or cannot traverse a cliff, I'm not decided. Opinions?
- The cliff may be blown apart with a huge amount of explosives to make way.
- There may be building blocks, where two cliffs join into one.
- ..., where several cliffs culminate to a big mountain top.
Gameplay value:
Cliffs provide an obstacle, something that now only the water does. They make the environment richer, challenging and force the player to adapt to it more.
Since the player can traverse cliffs, but other means of transportation can't, near ressources may actually be badly reachable. In such environments a niche technology, such as the wished for ropeway conveyor https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... f=6&t=7977, can play to it's strengths. This makes the research tree much more interesting, when you can research specialized stuff that helps you in your situation. It adds replayability to the game, when you are forced to adept even your long term strategies to the environment.
- The character can climb now. It should be able to climb pipes as well.
- Stone may be mined from suitable cliffs instead from the ground.
- Cliffs may loose a boulder now and then, especially when beeing shot at, which then rolls down the hill (read: away from the cliff) wreaking havock on it's way.
Next stop: Rivers, waterfalls and hydroelectric power