Adjust the prerequisites for Uranium mining
Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2025 8:18 pm
- Add Electric mining drill as a prerequisite for Uranium mining
- Move Concrete dependency from Uranium mining to Uranium processing
It's a non critical suggestion, but seems to be logical.Maybe only a few players do that, but it's possible to mine all starting ores with a burner drill, not researching the electric one. Until there is time to mine uranium ore, which requires fluid to mine. The description of uranium mining technology says that it allows the usage of fluid to mining drills. But the electric drill may still not be researched. And the burner drill doesn't support fluid, and attempt to place the burner drill on uranium ore patch results in message that it cannot be used to mine uranium. Of course it seems obvious for experienced players, but it can confuse the newbies.
The solution is to make the electric drill technology a prerequisite for uranium mining. The fluid handling is implicitly present in the requirements via the chemical science pack path.
The second thing is the concrete. It's required to build a centrifuge, so it isn't needed for uranium mining. Though there may be a reason to use the concrete to protect from radioactive emissions even during mining, but it's not implemented in game. So it's also logical to move the concrete prerequisite from uranium mining one step later to the uranium processing technology.
It will improve the logic behind the technology prerequisites, making more clear the usage of the electric mining drill to mine uranium ore, and usage of the concrete to build the nuclear buildings, but not necessary at uranium extracting stage.The change is not big, and requires no coding, only updating technology data files. Also it will not affect the playing style for magority of players, because usually both concrete and electric drill are already researched when it's time for uranium.