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Cross-platform logistics

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 9:24 am
by 470lm
I think platforms in the same orbit should be able to exchange cargo with each other

The platform hub would need to be supplied with capsules which are made from iron plates, electronic circuits, thruster fuel and oxidizer, and then it can launch a stack of items to any other platform in the same orbit

It just seems kind of silly that i need to drop the modules from the ship from fulgora onto nauvis, just to use those modules on the ship which is under constrution above nauvis, or foundries, or anything else

Re: Cross-platform logistics

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2025 5:10 pm
by Muche
You could make a small starter platform above Nauvis, move it over to Fulgora/Vulcanus/Gleba under its own power, launch all upgraded machines/modules directly to it, move the platform back to Nauvis and rebuilt the platform to its final form.