Complexes for UPS/bigger megabases
Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 2:48 am
Ability to transform a blueprint into a single entity that acts as an assembling machine, for UPS optimization, increasing megabase size.
As in converting a complex of with 50 assemblers making Processing Unit into a single entity similar to a giant custom assembling machine.
Custom assembly machine (called an "industrial complex" for the rest of this post) would need only a few simple parameters:
Recipe (ingredient counts and product count, which could vary based on productivity)
Fabrication Time
Parameters could be determined easily:
Fabrication time is calculated as: time between beginning saturated belt inflow, and steady state maximum production outflow reached.
Recipe: continue running blueprint in a sandbox until steady state on inputs is also reached, then for a duration of 1 fabrication time, count the number of ingredients and products.
Now CPU cycles don't have to be spent on belts, inserters, logistic robots, effect transmission, individual assembling machines. Just 1 entity that acts as an assembly machine.
Requiring steady state ingredient and product, and curves to fit expectation sufficiently closely prevents exploiting by dumping.
Having each game instance run the "industrial complex" blueprint itself to determine parameters prevents spreading exploited "industrial complexes," allows compatibility with mods, allows users to be sure they aren't cheating when using shared blueprints.
Would probably be best implemented with belts flowing into and out of the "industrial complex" for minimum CPU load, but this has been implemented in mods.
"Industrial complex" would be inferior to un-complexed blueprints until UPS becomes an issue, because of longer fabrication time. It would be balanced.
Custom recipes would best served by 8 or 12 ingredients, allowing production from fairly raw ingredients to advanced products in an industrial complex.
Power usage could be set with idle as power usage before ingredient input and working as power usage during fabrication step.
A lot of work has been done optimizing the game. I stopped playing when my base became laggy / reduced UPS. I'd really like to be able to create larger megabases with the computer setup I'm able to afford. The factory must grow.
As in converting a complex of with 50 assemblers making Processing Unit into a single entity similar to a giant custom assembling machine.
Custom assembly machine (called an "industrial complex" for the rest of this post) would need only a few simple parameters:
Recipe (ingredient counts and product count, which could vary based on productivity)
Fabrication Time
Parameters could be determined easily:
Fabrication time is calculated as: time between beginning saturated belt inflow, and steady state maximum production outflow reached.
Recipe: continue running blueprint in a sandbox until steady state on inputs is also reached, then for a duration of 1 fabrication time, count the number of ingredients and products.
Now CPU cycles don't have to be spent on belts, inserters, logistic robots, effect transmission, individual assembling machines. Just 1 entity that acts as an assembly machine.
Requiring steady state ingredient and product, and curves to fit expectation sufficiently closely prevents exploiting by dumping.
Having each game instance run the "industrial complex" blueprint itself to determine parameters prevents spreading exploited "industrial complexes," allows compatibility with mods, allows users to be sure they aren't cheating when using shared blueprints.
Would probably be best implemented with belts flowing into and out of the "industrial complex" for minimum CPU load, but this has been implemented in mods.
"Industrial complex" would be inferior to un-complexed blueprints until UPS becomes an issue, because of longer fabrication time. It would be balanced.
Custom recipes would best served by 8 or 12 ingredients, allowing production from fairly raw ingredients to advanced products in an industrial complex.
Power usage could be set with idle as power usage before ingredient input and working as power usage during fabrication step.
A lot of work has been done optimizing the game. I stopped playing when my base became laggy / reduced UPS. I'd really like to be able to create larger megabases with the computer setup I'm able to afford. The factory must grow.