1) go to
2) click the orange button on the right, which reads 'Try Demo'
3) Click on the first orange link (
MS Windows (64 bit exe installer))
4) There should be a pop-up of some kind asking you to 'open' or 'save' the file
5) Choose open, the Factorio setup assistent should start (you might get a warning of some kind, in that case, select 'open anyway' or something like that)
marks73345 wrote:I click 64 bit exe installer I wait for it to say 100% then a screen opens from the internet and shows the download I click save then I click an arrow and it says open or open with
choose 'open' and the installer starts
or as DaveMcW said, open in a different browser (Firefox, Chrome, Opera) or try with the zip-package.
Should all of the above fail, repeat the steps seen above, but select 'save' instead of 'open'.
Open the start menu, enter
%homepath%\Downloads into the search field and press enter on the keyboard.
A folder will pop up, look in that folder for a file named
Setup_FactorioDemo_x64_0.11.22.exe, double-click on it and it should start the installation.