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[2.0.28] Turret UPS Usage is spikey / high and does not seem to increase linearly

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 4:17 pm
by Consumefudge
Due to a certain love I had for another space-themed overhaul mod, I have committed to the life of predominantly using Laser Turrets on my ships. I figured (perhaps erroneously) that relying on laser turrets would lead to less active projectiles, less explosions, less effects, etc etc, in the long run for UPS optimization

After recent optimizations surrounding asteroids and collectors, I was excited that my game may run more stable. I have recently disabled pollution via console command to increase performance, so all turrets on planet surfaces have basically become inactive.

I had/and still have 3 large ships running towards the shattered planet for collecting promethium. Across all surfaces combined, there seems to be some threshold of 'Turrets' where they start to massively degrade performance.

I have searched and noticed this has been mentioned one other time (120678). I can continue to attest that trimming down individual turrets does not seem to do anything in terms of performance - but I have not tried deleting entire ships.

I have attached a screenshot showing the turret UPS usage when all three ships are active. I have attached a link below to a Google Drive containing the save and the log file at the time of turret UPS usage being particularly punishing.

If this is not considered a bug I would greatly appreciate your team's or other user's guidance on tips for optimization. Appreciate all the work you do ... drive_link

Re: [2.0.28] Turret UPS Usage is spikey / high and does not seem to increase linearly

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 4:51 pm
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report however there is nothing to do with this. This is simply the performance cost of turrets with the amount of them you have built. When a turret goes to find something to shoot it will iterate all of the things in range of the turret and select the "best" one. The more things in range and the more turrets you have the more expensive this gets.

Re: [2.0.28] Turret UPS Usage is spikey / high and does not seem to increase linearly

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2024 5:36 pm
by Consumefudge
Thank you for taking the time to reply. I believe there to be something else at play here other than more turrets = more UPS time, but will do some further testing myself and update this post if I find something quirky. Have a happy new year