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My first attempt a designing a ship any feedback

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 2:03 am
by its a me
This was my first attempt a designing a ship, it was designed to transport things around the first 4 planets(including nauvis).

Re: My first attempt a designing a ship any feedback

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 2:19 am
by jaylawl
Put your blueprint data within [ bp ] tags.

What kind of feedback are you looking for? Does it all work?

Re: My first attempt a designing a ship any feedback

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 6:11 pm
by its a me
it does work but i was wondering if there was a way to make it more efficient because the turrets sometimes run out of ammo

Re: My first attempt a designing a ship any feedback

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 6:40 pm
by jaylawl
its a me wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2024 6:11 pm it does work but i was wondering if there was a way to make it more efficient because the turrets sometimes run out of ammo
Good job on having your first design work out!

Turrets running out of ammo can be fixed by two things:
1. Make the ship slower
2. Increase ammo production

You can also save on some ammo by using laser turrets on your ship, which are quite capable of destroying small asteroids. Then, using filters, your ammo based turrets can save ammo by only targeting medium asteroids.

As you unlock things in the course of your game, there will be many opportunities to improve your ship and make it more efficient. Don't be afraid to change things around or re-do things from scrap.

Re: My first attempt a designing a ship any feedback

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2024 12:24 am
by Mr Wednesday
its a me wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2024 6:11 pm it does work but i was wondering if there was a way to make it more efficient because the turrets sometimes run out of ammo
You can buffer ammo through the platform hub to help with running out of ammo. My designs usually run down on ammo in transit, but I have big enough buffers to make it to the destination without running out, then they refill in orbit when there are fewer demands.

Re: My first attempt a designing a ship any feedback

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 11:00 am
by teatime11
For Ship I would seperate belts into 2-3 loops Outside loop which's the biggest I would have them hold Asteroid Spoil and Bullet. It can hold up to 350+ bullet just one side of the belt. for other loops I used them for breaking down chunks for material. so I could input them back into cargo space to drop to surface, smelt them for more bullet, or fuel thursters. I guess i could do it with less circuit condition but i prefer to control amount of items for each material.

For your design I think
+Need more liquid storage tank like x3 each.
+Asteriod processing output should be before chemical plant input so it can take stuff right after you drop it.
+There's a way to change the recipe for Asteriod reprocessing so you can do with only one.
+Check power production/Consumption Should be okay with less power unless it's on Fulgora.
+Ammulator is not need as Solar panel working 24/7
+Too many Ammo Assemblers, 4-5 Smelter can only support 1 Green Ammo Assembler
+Turrent doesn't cover your rear unless it Nauvis, you'll get notification for wall damage all the time as the asteroid damage your ship.
+You can put stuff into the void like when you dump them into lava on Valcanus if you wanna dump it.

Overall maybe try watch Nilaus or Doordash Video on YT. They made very good designs.
Here's the Design I use, I altered them a bit from Nilaus's starter ship. I could have 10 chem plants on the ship if I don't have to worry about power but oh well.

Re: My first attempt a designing a ship any feedback

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 1:21 pm
by Tertius
its a me wrote: Tue Dec 24, 2024 2:03 am This was my first attempt a designing a ship, it was designed to transport things around the first 4 planets(including nauvis).
Some comments:
- you don't need a wall around your ship, as long as your turrets are able to destroy the asteroids. The final smallest pieces that rain upon your platform will never damage it. Save the space and the weight.
- depending on your research, you need 4 or 5 gun turrets at the front to destroy any asteroids while flying. With physical projectile damage 9, 4 turrets are enough. I didn't check with physical projectile damage research 8 or less, may be 5 turrets instead of 4 are required to be on the safe side. More turrets are only needed for higher speeds, however your platform isn't able to reach these higher speeds, because it isn't using the better thruster fuel recipes, so it doesn't have enough fuel to reach higher speeds for the whole journey. Make sure the turrets always have enough ammo. With a belt setup like yours, it's difficult to keep the turrets fully supplied when encountering a burst of asteroids. Supply them from the central hub, and let the hub build a supply of 1-2 stacks of ammo before you start a journey.
- use the platform hub as big chest, accessible from every side and transporting things instantly. If you do this well, you don't even need belts. You covered the whole thing with cargo bays, making it inaccessible. Instead, you wasted much space for belts and used the belts for storage. Making one long line of cargo bays at the outside of your ship, touching the hub only at 2 tiles, is way more space efficient.
- you don't need asteroid reprocessing for the inner planets. There is enough of all material, if you buffer a stack of every intermediate material in the central hub. Save the space.
- you have 3 assembling machines for ammo, but you don't produce enough iron plates for them, so they're just wasting space and energy
- you produce too much energy. Save the space and remove at least half of the solar panels. The less weight the platform has, the faster it can go.
- you need 1 turret that covers the back of the platform to avoid asteroids hitting your engines while in orbit. Not an issue on Nauvis but on every other planet.
- with physical projectile damage 9, you need about 120 yellow ammo per journey, so having a waiting condition of ammo < 150 is quite handy. However, that requires you to store the excess ammo in the hub.