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Request to improve on PIP window

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:16 am
by BHakluyt
Would you kindly please be able to improve the small remote view window thingy, see attachment. Move rename etc to a pop-up menu rather, then there is more space for the name.
Plus could we make the window stick/stay open with an eye or a pin, in addition to moving and resizing the window perhaps. If it impacts performance too much, limit player to just one or two windows then. Like open TTD, you could keep a live watch on something always.

Too much work? Just spit-balling ideas for improvements here...

Re: Request to improve on PIP window

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:36 am
by mmmPI
This is not about the first part of the suggestion and the vanilla map pins, but the later part for camera that stays showing another region, there is a mod that you may appreciate that is allowing this :