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[2.0.28] "Nauvis Bus" menu simulation shows train disappearing

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2024 6:20 pm
by sabereye
Very minor issue noticed while engrossed in watching the menu simulations. I believe it is the simulation titled "Nauvis Bus," which was added in version 2.0.24.

The issue:
A 1-1 train is shown stopping on some elevated rail at the very bottom of the screen, facing to the left. It stops directly on a junction, where the rail line splits upwards. Another train comes blasting down from above on that other track and travels through the stopped 1-1 train. When it passes through the 1-1 train, the engine and cargo wagon of the 1-1 train disappear.

User note:
I am playing on a wide monitor (21:9). I believe the visible area of simulations (and game for that matter) on wide monitors scale to fit the width, meaning the very top and bottom of the simulation are not visible as they would be on a 16:9 monitor.
I'm only noting this in case there's something relevant to this bug report which I'm not able to visibly see. For my viewing, the 1-1 train which disappears stops in a position that is half-truncated by the bottom of the display. i.e., the train stops facing to left, such that the bottom of the train sprites are just out of visible frame for my display ratio.
To be more specific: the horizontal, elevated rail sprite is also partially visible; I can see the [red] upper railing and the upper "rail" (as in, what one side of wheels runs along), but nothing below that.

Re: [2.0.28] "Nauvis Bus" menu simulation shows train disappearing

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2024 10:14 pm
by eugenekay
I believe that the Menu Simulations were crafted on/for a "1920x1080" (aka "1080p") screen size. Bigger resolutions / not using the Scaling feature will enable you to see Out of Bounds.

Previous Bug Reports have Been Closed unless they caused a Crash or impacted Gameplay.

Re: [2.0.28] "Nauvis Bus" menu simulation shows train disappearing

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 12:19 am
by Muche
The short train was completely destroyed by the long artillery train. That is fine.

The issue might be that the explosions and remnants are placed at the base location, where shadows are, not 3 tiles higher, where rails and railings are.
MenuSimNauvisBus-TrainRemnants.jpg (178.04 KiB) Viewed 397 times
In editor, I tried to place locomotive/wagon remnants aligned with rails and it is possible, but they are layered below rails.
I'm not experienced enough with the editor to know whether that's engine limitation, or my editor skills limitation.
ElevatedRail-remnants.jpg (233.25 KiB) Viewed 397 times

Re: [2.0.28] "Nauvis Bus" menu simulation shows train disappearing

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 2:55 am
by eugenekay
“Broken train” falling from Elevated rails onto the Ground below sounds totally reasonable. It was knocked off the rails during the collision……

Re: [2.0.28] "Nauvis Bus" menu simulation shows train disappearing

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2025 2:41 pm
by boskid
Given the train dissapears because of collisions and explosions i am going to consider this a Not a bug.