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Automatically set subgroup to recipes for easier group checking

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 10:00 am
by troastervista
Some recipes are missing subgroups, but they still appear correctly in the crafting GUI because of some "background magic". This makes mod creation slightly inconvenient when you want to index all recipes from one group such as intermediate-products.

I would really appreciate if the background code which makes recipes appear correctly in the crafting GUI would also make it easier for mods to know the result of what the code did by setting recipe subgroup or having an alternative group property so mods can more easily know exactly where a recipe stands in the crafting GUI.
More info
Because the goal is to more easily index all recipes of a certain group, this can be done alternatively by making the group prototype give subgroups and each subgroup would have a list of recipes, but that approach is more of a weirdness and the first one is more directly in line with what the modding API already does.

Code speaks for itself so here's the code I'm using currently to accomplish what I'm saying here. It's a generic system in data-final-fixes.lua supposed to be compatible with mods such that every recipe from the intermediate-products gets a multiplier applied to its crafting time. My wish is for it to be simpler. (Don't look at me not using guard clauses haha, it was 3 AM when i whipped this up)

Code: Select all

function apply_intermediate_speed_multiplier(recipe)
    local subgroup = recipe.subgroup
    if subgroup then
        if data.raw["item-subgroup"][subgroup].group == "intermediate-products" then
            recipe.energy_required = recipe.energy_required / intermediate_speed_multiplier
    elseif not subgroup then
        if recipe.results then
            for _, result in pairs(recipe.results) do
                if data.raw[result.type][] then
                    subgroup = data.raw[result.type][].subgroup
                    for type, _ in pairs(defines.prototypes["item"]) do
                        if data.raw[type] then
                            if data.raw[type][] then
                                subgroup = data.raw[type][].subgroup

                if subgroup then
                    if data.raw["item-subgroup"][subgroup].group == "intermediate-products" then
                        recipe.energy_required = recipe.energy_required / intermediate_speed_multiplier
    if not subgroup then
        log( .. " nil subgroup")
Hickups i had while making this were with the Cryogenic science pack since it has 2 outputs and it forced me to make this for loop to check all results when the simpler checks fail. It was picking up the Fluoroketone's fluid group and not the science's intermediate-products group.