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Log main in-game events

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 8:34 am
by ebenezer

I'm not sure this has been proposed already. I would find very useful some sort of log in which main events occurring during the game are recorded, with details of the in-game time.
Technological advances, when you craft an item for the first time, when you kill your 1st-10th-100th-1000th biter, when you mine out your n000th iron ore. Anything that is important enough to give an idea of how a game progressed.

0:00:05 first iron plate smelted
0:00:45 crafted iron pick
0:12:34 researched automation
12:34:56 1000 small biters killed

This would allow me to compare different games, see how I have prioritised research.
Is anything of the sort already implemented? If not, I think it would make a very good addition. Nothing fancy, a plain txt file will do.
Thank you!

Re: Log main in-game events

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 10:42 am
by FishSandwich
This is nice, kind of like a list of achievements.

(bing!) Achievement unlocked!
You took a step in Factorio!

Who smelts an iron plate before making a pick?

Re: Log main in-game events

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 10:49 am
by ssilk
I really like that, it makes total sense, because - as Fish already said - it can be used to show the player obvious "errors"...

Re: Log main in-game events

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 10:50 am
by Koub
More like a timeline with how your current gameplay has been done ... Which isn't incompatible with a cumulative stats information you could have on your account, with X many zillions biters killed, ores mines, units of oil extracted, ...

Re: Log main in-game events

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 8:47 am
by ebenezer
I'm glad you guys see my point.
During a game (which in my case lasts weeks as I can play for 5-6 h per week) I tend to lose track of the "big picture", of the long term strategy. Having at hand a concise summary of previous games would help to plan better and to avoid repeating mistakes.
Together with the perverse pleasure of seeing how badass I am.

Re: Log main in-game events

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 8:36 pm
by DanGio
50:00:00 : 50 hours of playing, and your factory is still totally unefficient.
