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Prototype for a Burner Turret

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 8:30 pm
by vicfyr
Turret prototype that can draw from BurnerEnergySources, so they can be fueled by coal/nutrients/bioflux/nuclear fuel cells/etc.
A new child of TurretPrototype which draws from BurnerEnergySource by default instead of ElectricEnergySource or VoidEnergySource.
Use-case is twofold: one is creating a turret that uses bioflux to continue running (perhaps a turret based off of a spitter). The other is creating a turret which uses a modded BurnerEnergySource FuelCategory plus the Item prototype’s burnt_result to make a turret that can return things after using up fuel, such as making it return “spent magazines” after being used.