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Pipette/drag does not work in constant combinator properly

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2024 11:48 pm
by hurricup
Sometimes I need to extract signals into separate group. And I need to choose signals manually again.
Instead, pipette should work like in other things.

Also it would be even better just to be able to drag between groups.

Re: Pipette/drag does not work in constant combinator properly

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2024 1:08 am
by Muche
Dragging indeed does not work between sections.

Pipetting partially works, in that it gets you the signal into cursor, thus speeding up the choosing of that signal in other section. It indeed does not transfer the value.

If what you want is copy/move more signals into a new section, you could add the current section again, (locally) rename it to new name thus duplicating, then edit the new and old sections as desired. See e.g. viewtopic.php?p=625655#p625655.

Also see Drag and drop logistic request across groups, Drag and drop requested items across groups - or copy/clone logistic groups.