[2.0.21] "Fish" signal sent to a biochamber with "Set Recipe" sets the recipe to "Fish Breeding"
Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2024 11:54 am
What did you do?
Sent a "Fish" signal (e.g. using a constant combinator) to a biochamber configured to use "Set Recipe".
What happened?
The biochamber set the recipe to "Fish Breeding".
What did you expect to happen instead?
Nothing! The recipe should only be set to "Fish Breeding" when the "Fish Breeding" signal is received, and not from just the "Fish" signal.
Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
Sent a "Fish" signal (e.g. using a constant combinator) to a biochamber configured to use "Set Recipe".
What happened?
The biochamber set the recipe to "Fish Breeding".
What did you expect to happen instead?
Nothing! The recipe should only be set to "Fish Breeding" when the "Fish Breeding" signal is received, and not from just the "Fish" signal.
Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?