[2.0.21] All Recipes Stuck Unlocked
Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2024 8:37 am
I've been swapping back and forth between a playthrough and a map editor session to work on making better blueprints, and somehow my actual base game has been stuck in a mode where every single recipe is unlocked. Tried running the console command "/c game.player.force.reset_technology_effects()", and it prompted me to run it again to disable achievements. Ran it again, because I'd rather my game work than have achievements, and it still didn't fix it. Followed that up with "/c for name, recipe in pairs(game.player.force.recipes) do recipe.enabled = false end", as that was the opposite of the command that I ran in the Map Editor mode to enable all of them in the first place, and neither has worked. My Map Editor save is now fine while my base game save is not.