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"Set recipe" to take just exact recipe signals

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2024 10:23 pm
by Speadge

I ran into problems chaining multiple buildings that have "read content" and "set recipe" activated, it turned out they loop themself, because the result of one building triggers the recipe to be set on another building.

My suggestion:
Since we can send exact recipes with signals, there should be an additional option for assemblers, crushers and else to accept only exact recipe-signals for their orders, instead of results translated to a possible recipe.

Speaking of. Maybe it is better to rename "include in crafting" to "include 'in crafting'" or "include currently crafting".
otherwise it could be misunderstood what is meant by this option. Questions like WHAT to be included IN CRAFTING, instead of understanding that it refers to the "read content".

Many, MANY thanks for the awesome game and work, guys!