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[2.0.21] Flat GUI is not flat for Space platform hub.

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 2:26 am
by sben
What did you do?
Set Settings > Interface > Visualization > Flat character GUI : on.

What happened?
Now character inventory as other like tank inventory are displayed flat showing the logistics not as tab but as a fixed panel.
This worked in previous versions also for space platform hubs, (in like 2.0.10 or so), but does not work in the newest 2.0.21 anymore.

What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
Showing flat GUI since flat GUI setting is activated.

Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
flat-but-not-flat.png (225.87 KiB) Viewed 578 times

Re: [2.0.21] Flat GUI is not flat for Space platform hub.

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 9:58 am
by LCStark
Looks like the setting isn't applied, even after restarting the game. I've got flat interface, but turning it off still keeps it flat on the platform.

platform.png (65.08 KiB) Viewed 511 times

Re: [2.0.21] Flat GUI is not flat for Space platform hub.

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 10:01 am
by Twinsen
The setting is called "Flat character GUI" and this gui has nothing to do with the character.
This GUI automatically uses tabs if it would not fit on your screen. Since your screen is smaller than the recommended 1080p resolution, it falls back to this layout. This is meant for players with small screens and Steam Deck.

"Flat character GUI" is more of a historical setting and a player preference. I see no reason to make a setting that's essentially "fix gui on my screen".

Are there players who would prefer the compact layout even on a big screen?

Re: [2.0.21] Flat GUI is not flat for Space platform hub.

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 11:47 am
by Nidan
Twinsen wrote: Tue Nov 26, 2024 10:01 am Are there players who would prefer the compact layout even on a big screen?
Define "big". I'm on normal(?) 1920x1080 and immediately reverted to the tabbed version when the flat GUI was introduced. I only need to access the logistics requests infrequently; being able to see (and interact with) more of the surrounding factory is worth more to me. With SA there's a slight change as the personal request tab is the only place where you can verify the current state of the "personal logistics" setting, which needs to be toggled whenever I want to ride a rocket. (FR: Put it in the shortcut bar.)

Re: [2.0.21] Flat GUI is not flat for Space platform hub.

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2024 5:37 pm
by Twinsen
By big I mean 1080p or bigger. Or to be more precise, screen bigger than the minimum size required to show wide GUIs(platform hub, rocket silo, cargo landing pad) correctly.
The "Flat character GUI" setting will stay. I mostly mean for the less frequently used wide GUIs like space platform hub, rocket silo, cargo landing pad.

Re: [2.0.21] Flat GUI is not flat for Space platform hub.

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2024 12:01 am
by Nidan
For the landing pad in particular, how many logistics requests do you expect to be set by a typical player? Except for Nauvis I currently use at most one row, which would still nicely fit a a two pane layout; compare a rare buffer chest, its UI has the same space requirement. Once we get scrollbars, whether that's due to larger inventory or additional request rows, I wish the requests section would take priority and could grow (maybe up to 50% height, excluding the entity picture).
For the rocket silo a two pane layout could probably work as well, if the vertical space for the (extra) rockets and the deliver/build/travel buttons could be condensed.
For the platform, I would have expected for schedule and requests to share a pane when tabbed, because every other UI always has the players inventory on the left. That said, in this case it's the platforms inventory, not the players, even if they're closely related (player sitting in the hub).

Well… The above might not have answered the question you were asking, but rather "How could the UI be modified for a two pane layout?". To (somewhat) answer the actual question, offering an option similar to "flat character GUI" could make sense. For rocket silo and landing pad, I can see only of both panes being important for any given task. The "problem" is the platform hub, where I can see all combinations being useful: Requests and schedule naturally work together to define the job a platform is doing, a change in schedule typically also requiring a change in requests; the inventory allows picking items to help configure requests and/or schedule. (Special case: A platform that doesn't move doesn't care about the schedule.)
Overall, current "flat character GUI" is far more important than any of these due to it being usable anywhere, whereas silo, pad and hub are tied to specific locations.

While messing with the window size, to see how the small screen versions look, I noticed the rocket silo doesn't seem to switch to a tabbed version with small windows. (Bug?
) Also, UIs don't dynamically switch when the window is resized.

Re: [2.0.21] Flat GUI is not flat for Space platform hub.

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2024 12:50 am
by BraveCaperCat
Maybe there could be multiple "Flat GUI" options to enable each gui to be "Flatified", in a similar manner to the current "Flat character GUI" does for the character.