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issue with a train reaching stop

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2024 4:58 pm
by Oldwargoat39
Ok, this one even stumped me:
I set up a blue circuit stop to run from the area to another area where the blue circuits are used to make gold/yellow science packs, I ran the route with a train before making sure the entire length of the route had no track issues from both ends. No problems with the track and the signals were placed correctly. I drove back to the train stop where I initially launched all my trains, and when was automating the route the science pack stop was inaccessible. the rails are set up so the train has multiple routes to get to where they need to go, but this one stumped me for the first time. here are my 2 questions:
1) Is there a limit on how many trains I can have in total
2) or is there a problem with the train stop itself and will I have to rebuild the stop?

Any helpful information will be helpful.