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No "Read construction network requests" on roboport :-(

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2024 2:29 pm
by Roaders
I got all excited when I saw the "read logistic network requests" on my roboport and thought that I would be able to automate the supply of building materials to remote outposts when an entity is destroyed. Turns out it's only logistic requests and not construction... :-(

I guess I'll have to continue with the old way and supply EVERY outpost with a small amount of each type of building material to perform repairs...

Re: No "Read construction network requests" on roboport :-(

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2024 2:47 pm
by Stringweasel
Yeah, this is unfortunate. They did mention why it doesn't in FFF #428
Importantly (or unfortunately), it does not include items needed to build ghosts (construction requests). This is mostly a technical restraint on our behalf, as logistic networks do not track ghosts in a way that would make it performant to include.

Re: No "Read construction network requests" on roboport :-(

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2024 1:36 am
by Vesper
I don't quite understand what restrictions we are talking about, because the game in the alerts shows a list of missing items for construction. It would be quite possible to send this information to the logical network. However, it's good that I came across this information. Now I understand that the function is missing, but I did not find it. :D
(machine translation)