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Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2024 7:56 am
by vvv99
Hello All,

I am encountering corruption when saving a game under very specific conditions.

The following are the conditions:

Game version: 2.0.15, build 80108, linux64

Mods Installed and active: TinyStart, Text Plates, Stats GUI, P.U.M.P, Noxys Trees & Noxys Fading, Nixie Tubes, Mining Patch Planner, Helmond Factory Planner, FNEI, Factory Planner, Factorio Library, Editor Extensions, Chunk Delete Took, Auto Deconstruct. I have also modified the mods, Show Coal Rocks & Tiny Start so that I can use them with 2.0 build.

Steps to recreate the issue:
1. Create a new game in the "Free Play Mode" & play for some time.
2. Save the game one or two times in different files.
3. While playing navigate into the Map Editor mode ( Ctrl+Alt+E)
4. Make some changes in this mode and save your file within this mode.
5. Close the game / restart the game
This is where the crash happens. The save file becomes corrupted and you are not able to load the file.
6. Load the game that was saved last. The following error message is displayed "Invalid bool loaded from input file. File could be corrupted."

I have attached 2 save files with the issue.

I am able to replicate this issue consistently.


Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2024 11:14 am
by boskid
Thanks for the report. Given that the "corrupted" save file loads fine for me in 2.0.19 i am going to claim this bug was already fixed by 120101 that was released with 2.0.16.