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[2.0.15] Demolisher info missing

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 1:49 pm
by Tomag
Since first view of the demolisher I get no information to the target whenever I hover the mouse over it, all other new enemies and buildings I tried are working. The missing information occures at single and multiplayer (separate savegames). My friend get the info, I am not.

Vulcanus was the first planet we visited ( ~2weeks ago, multiplayer save), meanwhile I am at Aquilo with the singleplayer save and still missing the info.

I need to say it was huge surprise when I targeted a middle one, instead of a small as, thanks for the early achievment but I wont make the same issue with a big one ;)
Perhaps you can find the issue and prevent people from (too early) shooting on big enemies :lol:

What did i do? I checked F4 and F5 (both are slightly changed) and also the files get checked (via steam), but there where no issues found.
So it might be a bug, at least I don´t know why it get not shown.

Bevor 2.0 i played a while with Py and some other QoL mods. Since 2.0 they are hidden but still there, could this be the reason?
Cause the only thing I haven´t tried, is a fresh installation.

Usual view (F4)
2024-11-17 14_23_48-Factorio_ Space Age 2.0.15.jpg
2024-11-17 14_23_48-Factorio_ Space Age 2.0.15.jpg (87.18 KiB) Viewed 399 times
2024-11-17 14_25_05-Factorio_ Space Age 2.0.15.jpg
2024-11-17 14_25_05-Factorio_ Space Age 2.0.15.jpg (129.93 KiB) Viewed 399 times
2024-11-17 14_24_49-Factorio_ Space Age 2.0.15.jpg
2024-11-17 14_24_49-Factorio_ Space Age 2.0.15.jpg (117.43 KiB) Viewed 399 times

F5 view with grit and debug on
2024-11-17 14_24_02-Factorio_ Space Age 2.0.15.jpg
2024-11-17 14_24_02-Factorio_ Space Age 2.0.15.jpg (101 KiB) Viewed 399 times
2024-11-17 14_24_07-Factorio_ Space Age 2.0.15.jpg
2024-11-17 14_24_07-Factorio_ Space Age 2.0.15.jpg (114.22 KiB) Viewed 399 times
2024-11-17 14_24_34-Factorio_ Space Age 2.0.15.jpg
2024-11-17 14_24_34-Factorio_ Space Age 2.0.15.jpg (203.24 KiB) Viewed 399 times

File check at Steam
2024-11-17 14_36_31-Window.jpg
2024-11-17 14_36_31-Window.jpg (38.49 KiB) Viewed 399 times

(16.51 KiB) Downloaded 15 times

Re: [2.0.15] Demolisher info missing

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 12:48 pm
by Tomag
Short update, my 1st run is finnished now and I did a fresh install to see if it will fix the bug, but it´s still the same...

I´m not sure if it can help you, but here is also the last savegame to find, don´t look too close to my mess :lol: ... sp=sharing

And a much earlier savegame (character is standing next to a demolisher) is in attachment.
Space Age
(13.25 MiB) Downloaded 11 times

Re: [2.0.15] Demolisher info missing

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 9:59 pm
by Muche
When the tooltip shows up can be customized in Settings/Interface/Entity tooltip delay.
Settings-Interface-Tooltip.jpg (42.71 KiB) Viewed 245 times
Anything larger than zero and the tooltip for enemies might not show up if they are moving (and demolishers are always moving).

If you want to have it set to nonzero and force a tooltip to show up (e.g. for moving enemies), you can press Left Shift (customizable in Controls under Advanced interaction/Activate tooltip).

Re: [2.0.15] Demolisher info missing

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2024 7:24 am
by Tomag
Man, you are so right, thanks Muche!
Never would I think of delay time...

Now I just have to decide what I want more...see what demolisher I am targeting, or a much less nervous popping tool tip all the time.
I guess there should be a info for delay time change and an option to exclude moving enemies from it.