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[2.0.15] A rocket capacity of 10000 is a lie

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2024 4:53 am
by IsaacOscar
What did you do?
I looked at the tooltip for a blueprint, and it listed it's rocket capacity as 10,000:
11-15-2024, 14-43-30.png
11-15-2024, 14-43-30.png (96.62 KiB) Viewed 1090 times
I then tried to put some in a rocket.
What happened?
11-15-2024, 14-43-50.png
11-15-2024, 14-43-50.png (29.34 KiB) Viewed 1090 times
I could only fit 10 blueprints in a rocket (as there are only 10 slots), and not the claimed 10,000.
The same issue happens with the other blueprint items (blueprints, deconstruction planners, upgrade planners, and blueprint books).
What did you expect to happen instead?
I expected to be able to fit 10k of them (e.g. by the rocket silo dynamically expanding it's slots).
Alternatively, I expected the tooltip to list the correct capacity (i.e. 10).

It would make sense if the capacity counted items in a blueprint book but it doesn't, e.g. I can fit a blueprint book that contains 20,000 blueprints in a rocket.

It appears the rocket capacity is calculated based on the wait (putting one blueprint in a rocket lists the rockets weight as 100g) and the capacity of a rocket as 1 ton, and 10,000 × 100g does equal 1 ton.

I suggest either increasing the wait of a blueprint, or altering the tooltip to list the weight of the blueprint and not the capacity.
My preferred option would just be to have a weight of 0g for blueprints and not list their rocket capacity at all (thus allowing you to have a rocket with 1 full stack waying 1 ton, and 9 blueprints in the other stacks).
Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?

Re: [2.0.15] A rocket capacity of 10000 is a lie

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2024 4:59 am
by its a me
i get that this is an inconsistency in the tool tip but i do have to ask what is the point of putting blueprints on a rocket in the fist place

Re: [2.0.15] A rocket capacity of 10000 is a lie

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2024 5:05 am
by IsaacOscar
Well you can't have blueprints in your inventory when you use the rocket....

Seriously though, I just saw the tooltip and wanted to test it.

It's also been bugging me that it lists capacity and not weight as I often mix different items in my rocket (but it's not complicated maths to work the weight out: just 1,000kg divided by the listed capacity).

Re: [2.0.15] A rocket capacity of 10000 is a lie

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2024 8:27 am
by gdubrocks
Hey Oscar do you know that you can save blueprints in your blueprint menu (b is the default hotkey) and then you can take them anywhere without needing to put them in a rocket?

Honestly I don't understand why blueprints can still be items at this point, it adds so much unnecessary confusion for players. I see so many posts on discord every day from people that just are confused about blueprint items.

Re: [2.0.15] A rocket capacity of 10000 is a lie

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2024 9:04 am
by IsaacOscar
Yes I do know that! But it did take me a while to discover.
I only bother to do this though for blueprints I intend to use more than once.
And yes it's very strange having them as items, it also took me a while to discover the "Upgrade" and "Deconstruction" planner items, I only noticed they existed when I saw screenshots of other people using them. (The tooltips on the buttons in the shortcut bar doesn't remotely hint that you can use those buttons to create "items").

Re: [2.0.15] A rocket capacity of 10000 is a lie

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2024 5:19 pm
by Genhis
Thanks for the report, I think this is not a bug. Mods can create rocket silos with different inventory sizes, so the rocket capacity number in stacks doesn't have to match real inventory size of one rocket.