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Selection tools in remote view

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 9:14 am
by Pi-C
I'm updating Autodrive for Factorio 2.0. The mod has a 'remote controller', which is a selection-tool that can be used to select vehicles in an area, or ordering vehicles to move to the selected position. EDIT: 'vehicles' are entities based on a "car" or "spider-vehicle" prototype.

Selection tools are not meant to catch position clicks, so a I detect clicks on a position by making sure that top_left and bottom_right of the selected area are very close together. Therefore, it is impossible for players who are inside a moving vehicle to choose a new destination by clicking a position on the ground: by the time they've released the button, the vehicle will have moved on and the selected area will be bigger than that allowed for position clicks.

To work around this problem, I've recommended that players change to map view to select a new destination while in a moving vehicle. That used to work perfectly in Factorio 1.1. However, in the new version any item in the player's cursor becomes a ghost item – and you can't use the ghost of a selection tool to select something.

Is there some way to restore the old behaviour?