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[Klonan] [2.0.15]Poor GUI scaling on steam deck

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 10:36 pm
by funnyduck99
So many issues with GUI scaling in steam deck playing space age is really tough experience. I did beat the game but it was a challenge fighting the UI. In remote view when hovering over buildings you can barely read anything about it because most the info goes off the screen. A lot of the windows are bigger than the screen including the hub menu on a space platdform. Same thing with the cargo landing pad, it just goes off of the screen. I am also seemingly unable to submit my save for galaxy of fame because there is no submit button that shows up on screen, possibly it did not fit onto the screen. I have attached some screenshot examples.

Re: [Klonan] [2.0.15]Poor GUI scaling on steam deck

Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2024 1:58 pm
by Klonan
Thanks for the report,

I have fixed the landing pad for the next release, also the galaxy of fame was done in a separate bug report

(The tooltip is different and I am not investigating it at this moment)