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Sulfuric acid into steam recipe (Vulcanus)

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2024 11:24 am
by pl_red_baron
The above, a single chemical plant running the recipe creates enough steam to power 33 (!) steam turbines. Thats almost 200MW of power costing less than 500KW to produce. Call me crazy for not liking the beefy output, but is that intended in that way? seems way too ez to power the whole megafactory using a handful of mats.

Re: Sulfuric acid into steam recipe (Vulcanus)

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 9:49 am
by rollc_at
I think this is completely fine. Every planet (maybe except Aquilo) provides you with something that makes some part of the game look ridiculously easy compared to other planets. Gleba has infinitely renewable iron, copper, sulfur, plastic, lube, and rocket fuel, that is fully passive and requires zero player intervention to maintain indefinitely - and you unlock all of that as soon as you figure out how to deal with spoilage and resupply your defences. On the other hand Vulcanus is actually kinda poor in coal (compared to its other resources), so to produce plastic/LDS and rocket fuel you either need to keep expanding, or figure something else out. The power output, while impressive, is not fully renewable - your calcite/acid patches will eventually dry up.

Also from my several hundred hours in SE, I am ready to say dealing with power outages on remote planets is pure BS, so I'm happy this part of SA is mostly straightforward.

Re: Sulfuric acid into steam recipe (Vulcanus)

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 11:34 am
by Stargateur
solar is +300%, personally vulcanus is solar powered and I have energy to spare... make legendary solar and accumulator(and sending them to fulgora... :p) on vulcanus is probably a good idea.

Re: Sulfuric acid into steam recipe (Vulcanus)

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 12:35 pm
by BlueTemplar
Acid on Vulcanus, just like oil on Nauvis, never completely dries up, does it ?
(Calcite to process lava will though, as you mentioned.)

Re: Sulfuric acid into steam recipe (Vulcanus)

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 6:43 pm
by rollc_at
The comparison between acid and crude oil is spot on. You can power your Nauvis factory 100% from a single oil patch (via solid fuel), and it will theoretically run indefinitely... until mining the patch is too slow keep up with demand.